Weekly progress post #43: traps and scary ghosts!
Posted on 2016-12-08 01:59

A fairly productive stream, yay! I added two new rooms, an important mechanic for the ruins area, two new traps (or one trap and one map feature that behaves similarly), and a new enemy. Also some decorative tiles, woo!! I’ll have to up my room design game a bit soon because I’ve been working on the ruins area for several weeks now; the good thing is, though, that I think I’m really starting to get a good feel to the area! The next area to work on will be very very different and located kind of awkwardly, so I’ll have to do some plans regarding that before tackling it.

I was informed by ZenSoturi in the stream chat about the upcoming Ludum Dare! Despite my earlier regrets, I feel like it might be fun to join this time around. However, whether I’ll actually join or not remains to be seen.

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming, Ludum Dare, Plans
