Beyond the Black Hole
Posted on 2010-04-08 21:45

Time for a post that doesn’t relate to the previous one in any way! Do I see a pattern here?

Anyway, this time it’s about bigggger stuff. I’ve been working on a certain game for about half a year now, and I decided that once I’d hit certain milestone I’d reveal it. I did that to prevent myself from blabbing about the game before knowing for certain if I’m even capable of finishing it. Now it looks like I can.

So, this game is Beyond the Black Hole, a puzzle game that is sequel to FIG in more than one, but not every aspect. Practically the game gives you control over the green fella, thus allowing puzzles about doing also other stuff than just clicking. This also means a bit more complicated controls, but hey, I’ll put a tutorial in ‘n all. The reason I removed the lemmings-like movement was because in FIG it was used too much as an arbitrary time limit, resulting in hurrying in many levels. When that was combined with the fact that some of the hotspots were a bit tiny, a couple levels ended up rather hellish. I’ve also updated the graphical look a bit, and I’m becoming really fond of that “MSpaint-ish” look. The game will feature 35 (or possibly 36) levels placed on 7 planets like last time.

The milestone I set to myself was finishing level 10. So then, today, I did finish this level, and that’s why this post is here. Derp. Anyway, I got the ever-so-amazing Johan Hargne to compose the soundtrack, because I knew from experience that he’s rather good at making that kind of light-yet-interesting music that a game like this needs.

Some screenshots:

OHH! And that gif thing below! It’s still going, but I wont work on it until I become demotivated to work on BtBH!

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Tags: FIG, Games
