Weekly progress post #39: Sealife
Posted on 2016-11-10 01:45

Today’s stream went by fairly quickly, but 2 new enemies and 1 new room were added! I’m very happy about both enemies aesthetically. From here onwards I haven’t designed room layouts beforehand at all, so right now I’m a bit uncertain as to what kind of areas should come next. I’ll probably do a bit of planning before the next stream so that progress on the game map wont slow down. I intended to do a bit of work on the next boss & implement some stuff to Snake Game, but neither things happened. Oh well!!

Also the results of the US election are very scary. I hope things wont get too horrifying and that Trump wont destroy too much of the progress in human rights etc. that have accumulated in recent years. :(

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Other, Regular updates, Streaming
