Weekly progress post #28: Animating rotating shields is difficult
Posted on 2016-08-25 23:40

I finished a largeish, spoilery cutscene I had started working on outside of the stream, added a new room and implemented 2 new enemies! I’m a bit unsure as to how to approach some of the new rooms, but I have a pretty good general idea (maybe) of how I’d like to game to progress from here.

I’m starting to feel a bit disappointed in certain game flow things, though; I’ll have to look at that at some point so that it wont become an actively progress-hindering factor. Mainly it feels like the player has a lot of mobility already at this point, and it’s hard to design interesting rooms and especially enemies to provide challenge but also be interesting! Also I’m a bit unsure about the game’s difficulty curve at the moment, but that’ll be handled during testing anyway.

No work on other projects today.

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