Weekly progress post #15: Lots of new rooms!
Posted on 2016-05-27 02:13

Today’s stream was extremely productive in terms of ESA 2! I implemented the basics for 3 new rooms and finished one I started last time, along with fixing tons of little quirks and bugs (and encountering new ones on the way!) There are a couple design issues I’ll need to decide on really soon and a new boss right around the corner; in general the game’s progress seems to be really nice! I also did a little run of the game as it is right now and it took me half an hour to get through it all, although I did spend some time just chatting. I’m not sure if that time is reassuring or worrying. Time will tell.

No work on Snake Game tonight because there’s a problem I can’t do much about that’s causing crashes and I really want that one squished before I continue.

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Plans, Cloud Realm, Regular updates, Streaming
