Website overhaul
Posted on 2016-04-23 18:27

I finally got around to doing it! The main website is as simplistic as ever and possible even more cluttered than before, but the flash applet is out and replaced with a simple viewer. This has the benefit of there being more space for stuff on the game-specific pages on top of the obvious lack of need to support flash, but I think I’ll have to add categories of some sort, as the actual main page is pretty full of text now.

Doing this reminded in a sad way about how times have changed; it’s cool and all to have a personal website with my own games listed neatly, but the indie gaming culture has definitely moved on from people downloading games from developer’s websites, what with the prevalence of Steam and other such services. I kinda miss those days but totally understand why people prefer the ease and security of Steam over downloading various zip files from some site/forum somewhere.

An interesting side-effect, though, is that these days games that you pay money for probably get more players than freeware games, just by the power of being on a site that specializes in marketing the game and making it easy to obtain it! This is great in the sense that it makes supporting the developers the assumed option, but I really hope something like becomes also favoured by players of games as a kind of bohemian haven for less standard games.

Whatever. I hope someone checks out my older games using this new site to justify its existence, but it’s fine even if not!!

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