Ludum Dare 35
Posted on 2016-04-18 20:04

I really got interested in weird dynamic animation stuff during the Nordic Game Jam last week, so Ludum Dare this weekend was a great excuse to play more with that stuff (although the theme, shapeshift, wasn’t really fitting for what I had in mind). Anyway, here we are again! My entry is called Cavern of Flight and while it barely incorporates the actual theme, I’m very happy with the result because I got to do what I wanted to and the game feels pretty solid despite some hiccups. The coolest thing was that this time around I recorded some random sounds with my Zoom recorder and actually made the soundscape on my own! Lots of fun, that.


After this I feel like it’d be cool to also have rats crawling on the walls, some bats & snails and the spiders rolling other creatures into cocoons. Maybe also little archers hopelessly overwhelmed by the wildlife?

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Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Plans
