Weekly progress post #6: Boss cutscenes
Posted on 2016-03-21 00:14

So, my 7drl entry ended up being late due to me being busy on the weekend, which kind of drained my will to keep working on it. Maybe one day…! I’m pretty happy with what I have now, though, because I implemented many features I had never done before, it’s cool.

I was really tired after all this theatre stuff last week so the stream started early and also ended somewhat quickly. However, I managed to implement a pre-boss cutscene and maybe-kinda settle on the design of the boss! Also added a button to change the level editor’s background colour to magenta, woo!

No picture today because I didn’t really do anything that visual, but next wednesday should be better in that regard!

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Other, Plans, Streaming, Regular updates, Other jams
