Weekly progress post #5: 7drl!
Posted on 2016-03-10 03:31

7drl, aka 7-day roguelike challenge, is upon us again! I’ve been meaning to join this event for at least 3-4 years now, always ending up a bit too unmotivated to work start anything. However, this time around I have not one but two ideas, the latter of which being a bit large to be making in a week.

Here’s some extra info about 7drl if you’re interested!

I had already implemented the A* pathfinding, but added walls and a text engine on-stream. ESA 2 got some pre-boss work done as well as a feebleish attempt at a boss sprite; maybe I’ll figure out a better idea in a week. The little stream visualizer also got some bugs fixed; it now displays comments as well!

Anyway, I’ll try to finish something based on my first RL idea before the end of the week, and have an extra stream about it on Friday.

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Tags: Games, Small games, Procedural generation, Small games, Streaming, Regular updates, Other jams
