Ludum Dare 16
Posted on 2009-12-10 20:26

I guess it’s better stop posting about some arbitrary plans and games that probably wont get made, so let’s take a more realistic topic.

I’m sure going to participate The Ludum Dare 48h game making competition that will be held next weekend. I’ve participated twice this far, and while my first entry was a terrible game, the second turned out to be Excavatorrr, which I thought to be certainly successfull in some sense. The atmosphere in LD is always friendly and the blog-form of the compo offers the competitors a possibility to tell about their progress (and post info about what they’re eating, hehe).

The only thing that worries me a bit that the theme suggestion “Twilight Fandom” made it to the final theme suggestion poll. I am not really interested of making a game about the romantic relationship of a girl and a pale-skinned boy. Of course that theme wont probably be chosen, and the other themes look rather good apart from some less interesting ones. Overall, I think (and sure hope) that the weekend will be rather interesting.

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