…Actual LD30 results
Posted on 2014-09-17 03:49

The voting phase of Ludum Dare #30 ended last weekend, and my game fared pretty well considering that I entered it in the ‘jam’ category with teams allowed and generally more lax rulings. In the end, I ranked

9th in category “Fun”
11th in category “Mood”
57th in category “Audio”
(The song in the game was made by Cotton-in-law, so this is very much his achievement!)
70th in category “humour”

…and 10th overall!

I was really surprised at how much people liked the game! Maybe I should keep working on it…?
Anyway, the download link is in the post below, here’s a timelapse/gameplay video:

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Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare
