ESA submitted to IndieCade
Posted on 2014-06-16 03:12

So I was asked to consider submitting ESA to the IndieCade event (, and after some confusion about the entry fee and the nature of the thing I did send the game to the judges. Hopefully they’ll find it enjoyable, although I have hard time imagining a retro metroidvania doing very well at larger-scale competitions these days.

In other news, I have been having some ~~real-life obstacles~~ lately which have reduced my will to work on games for the time being a lot. I’m pretty sure this is temporary (and I have plenty of ideas), but for now working on existing projects will be somewhat slowish until I get things sorted out. I think I have a pretty nice plan for ESA’s final boss’ final form, and to be honest I kind of look forward to spriting it!

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