Ludum Dare #29 is over
Posted on 2014-04-28 05:46

…and I actually finished a game! Didn’t really think I’d make it but here we are. Yay!

My game is called BactoCo and in it you play as a disease. Your objective is to get the CEO of a company ill (I’ve no idea why). You inhabit one host at a time, and have to cause symptoms to them in order to manipulate their movement and get closer to the CEO. The game’s entirely mouse-driven and I also managed to port it to flash! Huge thanks to Adam “Sketchy” Hawker for creating an A* pathfinding tutorial for MMF 2!

Preview and play the game on the Ludum Dare site!


Also check out this weird glitter thing I made for ESA:

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Tags: Games, Small games, ESA, Ludum Dare
