What is happening
Posted on 2014-04-23 16:50

Just to show that I have some other stuff under development, have a couple pics:

I really like smooth snake-like movement so I felt the need to try to make one myself. Maybe this’ll become something? Who knows!

Despite the long silence, I’ve lately also implemented new stuff to Officer Alfred! The box functionality has been very hard to get working properly but I’m very happy about it right now! :) Note also the super-cool independently moving box platform; I think that’ll allow for some pretty neat puzzles.

As for ESA I finished the first phase of the final boss; also I decided that I want to fill up all the existing holes in the game map; I’ll add them to the “big secret” of the game so that visiting them gives hints on how to find other stuff. Hopefully that’ll be fun! At least it’s not a huge job. To be honest, most of the stuff left to do is related to either the secrets in the game or the in-game dialogue, the latter of which I’m kind of afraid to start working on because I’m really not confident in my ability to convey the things I want to in English!

Oh, and Ludum Dare #29 will be held this weekend! I haven’t participated in a long, long time due to general lack of motivation and/or inspiration. However, the theme voting is open so I’m on the lookout for an inspiring one; maybe it’s time to make another 48-hour game? We’ll see!

(Whoa, suddenly my whole life is about game development again. This has been a weird Spring!)

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Tags: Games, ESA, Officer Alfred, Cloud Realm, Ludum Dare, Plans
