Cloud Realm!
Posted on 2012-04-23 21:44

Too busy to write anything new, so copying from other places:
I made the game Cloud Realm! In the game you control a boy with a glider-type apparatus and fight against a huge robo-serpent thing. There’s only one enemy due to running out of time, but in my opinion the atmosphere & controlling of the glider work pretty neatly and thus I’m pretty happy with the game. There’s also some sort of a “backstory” or “interactive intro cutscene”, although in hindsight I have no idea what I was thinking there. I’d definitely love to make a larger game out of this, but I’m also quite sure that this kind of gameplay would be best fit to be made in flash. Maybe this is the True Motivator for me to learn Actionscript?

A & D – move around
W, SPACE & Left mouse – jump when not flying
ESC – skip the first part of the game (in case you want to get to the action quickly)

Left mouse – shoot while flying
Right mouse or E – leave a bomb while hanging from a surface
Space – cling to a surface and jump off it, more about this in the in-game instructions

In the game you’re controlling a glider-ish vehicle, so horizontal momentum matters a lot – you glide when your horizontal momentum is high, but start losing altitude when you slow down. However, diving a bit and then accelerating makes you gain height. This may need some trying but you have infinite retries!!

All this is also explained in the in-game instruction screen. Shouldn’t be too weird.
(Broken image)
(Broken image)


Here’s also a timelapse for the game:
(Broken video)

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Tags: Games, Cloud Realm, Ludum Dare
