V. 1.14
Posted on 2009-10-28 11:51

I guess my way of naming the versions is a bit weird. Let’s say that the game is finished at V. 1.2. Ok?
Anyway, get the new version from here.

New stuff, not much this time:

-bugfix on the stalactites. They still sometimes seem to get stuck in a weird manner, I have no idea what causes that. :/
-Added one secret item! It’s kinda hard to find, but it sure is useful!
-Fixed the bug about red dragon duplicating itself
-Added a new enemy!

Still to do:

-The change to the shop -New shop item (spikeball/dart) -1 enemy; or maybe 2. -Add new uses to the grail. It’s almost useless as it is now.

I wonder if I should do these new features anyway, because I don’t think people will play the game much anyway. But whatever, I feel satisfied with them.

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