ESA mentioned at Kotaku, and stuff
Posted on 2012-08-30 13:33
I thought I posted this yesterday, but it appears that I didn’t!
So yeah, ESA got a really nice and positive mention at, and as a result the game’s twitter followers doubled. Pretty cool!

Also LD24 was a total disaster from my part – I didn’t finish anything and the theme (evolution) left me completely uninspired. Boo! During the final hours of the event, I did work on something, but it was hardly worth submitting – I’ve been wanting to make a java roguelike for my cellphone to pass time with. Turns out it eats battery charge really fast so I can’t really use even the bare-bones RL I created, but I had fun working on it! Some screenshots:

Tags: Games, ESA, Happenings, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation