Version 1.13
Posted on 2009-10-27 11:32
Ok, it’s out there. I made the finishing touches in a hurry, so there was a tiny bug left in, I’ll fix it later today. Anyway, here are the additions (hopefully I remember them):
-The stalactites shouldn’t bug anymore
-There’s one new enemy
-A bug regarding digging upwards/downwards fixed
-The lava raises a bit faster now! Hee hee
-The cursed idol is a bit easier to be noticed
-Fixed that energy-related bug!
-Press Control + M to mute/unmute music
-Press Control + N to mute/unmute sound effects
Other stuff I think I’ll add later on:
-at least one more enemy, probably two or even three (most of the new enemies are secret though)
-currently there sometimes seems to appear 2 red dragons; I’ll fix that for they’re totally annoying.
-I got a very nice suggestion for a new non-secret item; I’ll add that to the shop
-I’ll also alter the shop system otherwise too, to lessen the amount of moving back and forth.
I’ve been pondering those spikes; they’d indeed seem cool. Though there wouldn’t be much of them; and they wouldn’t probably kill enemies.
Tags: Excavatorrr