Excavatorrr weather report.
Posted on 2009-10-26 22:24

So, the current version of my game Excavatorrr is 1.12. I’ll be updating it probably rather rapidly in the future, so it’s good to check if your version is the newest; there’ll probably going to be some more radical changes in the near future. You have the currently newest version if your game has stalactites!
here’s the log of changes compared to the older version:

-You can attack while holding the umbrella
-New ‘secret’ item added
-Stalactites added
-The way lava works is changed
-the enemies shouldn’t keep moving when they’re flattened now

And here’s a log of changes I’ll do in the future, at least.

-2-3 new enemies
-at least 1 new item, hopefully less secret
-shops that appear in the lower levels too
-bugfix on the stalactites that appear inside blocks
-more easily recognizable cursed idol (it’s anyway sellable, so it’s better that people find it)
-bugfix on jumping in certain tight places

I have also thought of still a few new traps; how about some sort of plant? or spikes

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