More Masjin stuff
Posted on 2011-10-01 21:32

The level editor is coming up slowly but nicely; at the moment I’m thinking of a replacement for the molotov cocktail due to the fact that the poison bomb basically does the same job and is tons more efficient. Here are the two options I have currently in mind:
1) Black Hole bomb – It has been suggested at least thrice here, so I guess people would like to see it. Basically it’d be the opposite of gravity bomb, sucking people to the center of the explosion instead of pushing people away. I’m not sure how useful this’d be, but it could be used nicely in conjunction with a mine.

2) Remote-controlled bomb/missile – Basically a floating bomb/missile that the player could move about for a short while before detonating it. Could do wonders against turrets and people trying to hide in hard-to-reach places.

So what do you think?

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