Taking a break from Masjin to work on other stuffery
Posted on 2011-04-24 14:30

So, after 3+ weeks of daily updates to Masjin, I’m having a break from it in order to work on other games. And study. I doubt anyone is reading this blog at this point, but let’s have a summary of projects:
Beyond the Black Hole: Kinda frozen again. I’m stuck in level 14, but I’m quite sure I’ll eventually finish this.
It’s a frickin’ cave: Frozen as well. The code is very sloppy and buggy so in order to keep working I should recode big parts of it. This makes me not want to continue.

Currently I’m concentrating on making Paradise Fort fully flash. I’m currently doing it as a collaboration with Jeanes, a friend(?) of mine who’s really good at graphical design and has done several really good games and would-be-games. As far as I know, he’s had a bit of problem with finding a coder, though.

Anyway, here’s how the game looks at the moment:

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Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Masjin, FIG
