Darn those Octopi!
Posted on 2010-05-04 18:04

Ok, I’m close to finish with this, both mentally and physically (computer software is physical because I say so). Just have to balance stuffs and put up a tutorial, and I’m go!


Tags: Games, Procedural generation

Results of the Dare… again.
Posted on 2010-04-27 22:25

Hum, took suspiciously long to write about LD here.

Anyway, Ludum Dare #17 was last week as I mentioned, and I’m really happy with how my entry came out. It’s called Paradise Fort, and it is some sort of weird mix of Minecraft and Tower Defense. Ludum Dares always manage to motivate me mysteriously, so I was able to get almost everything I wanted in. I’m going to expand on the game now that the compo is over, to create a more finished game (much like what happened with Excavatorrr).

Here’s a timelapse of the creation process. The Ludum Dare rules encourage recording the course of the creation, so I thought it’d be a cool thing to look at later on.

The rest of this entry shall be reserved for screenshots, so here’s the download link:
Ludum Dare version
The new version I update with new stuff!


You can build your own island fortress!

These are some of the new enemies I plan to add.

And here’s an utterly rad tower made by Six at the Ludum Dare community:
(broken image)
Nice job, man!


Tags: Games, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation

[Added 2024/07/28]Another Paradise Fort pic
Posted on 2010-04-27 13:21

Found this pic in the Wordpress archives. Not sure why it wasn't posted.

27th April, 2010 - Devastation.png


Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare

Ludum Dare #17 – Islands
Posted on 2010-04-24 12:28

It’s once again time for the wonderful competition that is Ludum Dare! 48 hours of wonderful game creation with the theme “Island”. There were a couple nice themes around this time, like “Annihilation” and “Ecosystem”, but I’m quite glad about this one, too. At least it inspired me a lot! The spirit of the LD is to post steadily about your game to the official blog, so I wont update this blog until the compo has finished. Then I shall reveal whatever crap I might’ve come up with by then. Exciting!


Tags: Ludum Dare

Klik of the month Klub #34
Posted on 2010-04-18 12:28

Glorious Trainwrecks held once again their monthly 2-hour game-makery compo. This time I even managed to make something (the time it is held is rather bad for my timezone, from 2 AM to 4 AM. Usually I stay only the first half an hour), and I’m quite happy with it, to be honest. Yeah, the concept is old and you can’t really polish anything in 2 hours, but I’ve always wanted to make my own unforgiving platformer! So here, I present you Jump Marilyn!

Use shift to jump and arrows to move. The game has waypoints to ease your path, but yeah, this is meant to be rather unfair. It can be beaten in a way, though!

Download it from the KotmK website.


Tags: Games, Glorious Trainwrecks

Beyond the Black Hole
Posted on 2010-04-08 21:45

Time for a post that doesn’t relate to the previous one in any way! Do I see a pattern here?

Anyway, this time it’s about bigggger stuff. I’ve been working on a certain game for about half a year now, and I decided that once I’d hit certain milestone I’d reveal it. I did that to prevent myself from blabbing about the game before knowing for certain if I’m even capable of finishing it. Now it looks like I can.

So, this game is Beyond the Black Hole, a puzzle game that is sequel to FIG in more than one, but not every aspect. Practically the game gives you control over the green fella, thus allowing puzzles about doing also other stuff than just clicking. This also means a bit more complicated controls, but hey, I’ll put a tutorial in ‘n all. The reason I removed the lemmings-like movement was because in FIG it was used too much as an arbitrary time limit, resulting in hurrying in many levels. When that was combined with the fact that some of the hotspots were a bit tiny, a couple levels ended up rather hellish. I’ve also updated the graphical look a bit, and I’m becoming really fond of that “MSpaint-ish” look. The game will feature 35 (or possibly 36) levels placed on 7 planets like last time.

The milestone I set to myself was finishing level 10. So then, today, I did finish this level, and that’s why this post is here. Derp. Anyway, I got the ever-so-amazing Johan Hargne to compose the soundtrack, because I knew from experience that he’s rather good at making that kind of light-yet-interesting music that a game like this needs.

Some screenshots:

OHH! And that gif thing below! It’s still going, but I wont work on it until I become demotivated to work on BtBH!


Tags: FIG, Games

Derp, some gifs and a summary of what is going on.
Posted on 2010-03-25 21:50

So, I’ve been working on a game for about 5 months now. I’m quite close to the point where I think I’ll publish the game, but suddenly I got a totally different idea and started making that instead. The big game wont be abandoned, but it may take some time before I get tired of this other thing and can continue.

Anyway, I posted some animated gifs of this new silliness to the TIgsource forums. Like the great blogger I am, I didn’t even think of posting them here earlier. But anyway, that might make those two of you that look at this post excited, so let’s do it!

Horribly bad quality and slow? Do check.
I’ll probably drop this eventually when I become tired of it, but for now it has come up nicely and it has been fun to work on it. I’ll make a post with more info when it’s clearer if this shall be something.


Tags: Games, Plans

JCP playthrough by PurplePineapple
Posted on 2010-03-20 12:03

This good fellow from the Nifflas’ forums made a nice playthrough of Jump, Copy, Paste! It’s really interesting to see how other people react to my puzzles.

First vidja (levels 1-10) Second vidja (levels 11-16


Tags: Other, Games, Small games

Jump, Copy, Paste
Posted on 2010-03-11 13:58

Oh Hey! I just finished a new game! It is yet another of those platformers-with-a-twist, this time related to copying and pasting of level areas. Because I’m lazy and don’t want to write everything for a third time, let’s use some copy/paste of my own:

Jump, Copy, Paste features a mechanic that at least I haven’t seen earlier, and it circles around copying and pasting parts of the game levels. The game was supposed to have a story of some sort, but due to an immensely infuriating and nonsense glitch I decided to get done with the game quickly. The story would’ve been quite cheesy anyway, so maybe it’s for the best that I didn’t include it. Noby Did again some wonderful music for the game. That guy is a genius.


A + D = move about
W = jump
Left mouse button = choose the area to copy, release to perform. After copying, you can select a new area with another left click.
Right mouse button = paste the copied area.
R = restart
Esc = Quit

Some screenshots:



Tags: Games, Small games

371-in-one Pirate Klik Kart YEES
Posted on 2010-02-28 23:12

We had some amazing fun at Glorious Trainwrecks this weekend; They had planned a klik jam where everyone was to make as many so-bad-it’s-good games in 48 hours as possible. As I’m writing this the game count is 376, and 371 was the original aim. I created 4 games, one silly worms-clone and 3 amazingly epic RPGs. Even though most of the games are so terrible that no-one will probably play the games, just doing them and discussing the creation with others was great fun. Thanks, Glorious Trainwrecks!

HURRRKKK. Over 500 entries were created in the end. Woah, that’s really sick. Congrats!

Here’re my games listed:
MYSTEERILUOLA: Scanline Dungeon
Download link

“MysteeriLuola is a Dungeon Master -like RPG adventure game where you enter the SCANLINE DUNGEON to fight various beasts, such as NINJA PIRATEs. The game is packed with action and tricky puzzles! The very definition of Family Gaming!”

MYSTEERILUOLA II: Return of the Cunning Door
Download link

“Mysteeriluola II reveals new facts about the past of our mysterious dungeon hacker. In this brand new Hempuli adventure, you explore the vast Donut Mausoleum in order to find your way further to the Scanline Dungeon! Perfect!”

MYSTEERILUOLA III: Solitude of Circumstantial Preferance
Download link

“The New Part In The MysteeriLuola Series Brings A Totally New Interface And New, Interesting Puzzles! Solve The Puzzles Of The Sewers In Order To Beat The Evil Wizard Urist McWizard!”

Download link

“Combat Worms is a 1-player vs. CPU worm game. You try to collect more points than the CPU while avoiding collision with quite much everything. Even though the CPU AI is silly, it’s quite funny.”

Sometimes just making games is fun, no matter what the results are.


Tags: Games, Glorious Trainwrecks

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