Ambitious garbage
Posted on 2009-11-13 23:28

Lately I’ve had a growing urge to create a retro/traditional RPG game, with the emphasis being on a ridiculously over-the-top storyline. If I made the engine so that it’d be easy to create new content over it, I could just add new places as I come up with them, thus making the game feel long even though it wasn’t that long actually. The way turn-based battle systems work also makes it really easy to create bosses, especially basic ones; just make the art, and add a list of attacks/spells it’d use. For trick bosses, make it easy to adjust the stats, strengths and weaknesses, and add the possibility to make counterattacks and so on. Though the gameplay shouldn’t be too simple, the game should of course be also fun to play on some level.

But the thing I’ve really been pondering is the storyline: I’d really LOVE to create a game where you first do something amazingly huge, like “retrieve your dad from another dimension”. Then you’d have to “prevent the foul gods from entering the worlds by gathering X magical crystals together”, and then add more ridiculous missions and silly plot twists until the player should eventually beat those gods once and for all. Imagine the situation when an oracle tells you “hey mate, now get to the Forbidden Dimension, travel past the Ethereal swamps of Neverending Doom, visit all the 12 gods of Destruction to their castles and beat them up. Have fun!”

Sounds quite like a cliché, but creating a proper game with such ambitious goals would just take forever and be not worth it, since the emphasis was on the hilariously huge scale of the storyline in the first place.

Of course I have many other ideas too, and I guess some of them might be better in terms of actually finishing something (and perhaps even something good), but we’ll see what happens. Just wanted to talk a bit about the idea, it seemed interesting to me.

Tags: Plans, Other

Posted on 2009-11-06 12:04

So yeah, fixed another eensy teensy tiny bug in Excavatorrr; you could open the sarcophagus even when it wasn’t visible. If you’re unsure about these alphabetical naming gimmicks, look at the Readme – it says all the information. I didn’t want to add any more stuff to the in-game version.

Tags: Excavatorrr

Tiny update
Posted on 2009-11-02 19:23

Fixed a bug in Excavatorrr; the giant ghost wont be able to confront you straight from the beginning.

Tags: Excavatorrr

Papapisshu! v.1.2
Posted on 2009-10-28 22:06

Ok, so I now have the (hopefully) last version of Excavatorrr. I’ll fix any bugs found, though, so I may release some smaller updates later.


-Shop system changed
-New item in the shop
-New enemy
-Stalactites should now work without flaws
-Some order-related issues fixed
-New *secret*
-It’s now easier to see where the hidden objects are, though just a bit.

Notice that it’s possible now to get a bigger score than earlier.

Get the game.

Tags: Excavatorrr

V. 1.14
Posted on 2009-10-28 11:51

I guess my way of naming the versions is a bit weird. Let’s say that the game is finished at V. 1.2. Ok?
Anyway, get the new version from here.

New stuff, not much this time:

-bugfix on the stalactites. They still sometimes seem to get stuck in a weird manner, I have no idea what causes that. :/
-Added one secret item! It’s kinda hard to find, but it sure is useful!
-Fixed the bug about red dragon duplicating itself
-Added a new enemy!

Still to do:

-The change to the shop -New shop item (spikeball/dart) -1 enemy; or maybe 2. -Add new uses to the grail. It’s almost useless as it is now.

I wonder if I should do these new features anyway, because I don’t think people will play the game much anyway. But whatever, I feel satisfied with them.

Tags: Excavatorrr

Version 1.13
Posted on 2009-10-27 11:32

Ok, it’s out there. I made the finishing touches in a hurry, so there was a tiny bug left in, I’ll fix it later today. Anyway, here are the additions (hopefully I remember them):

-The stalactites shouldn’t bug anymore
-There’s one new enemy
-A bug regarding digging upwards/downwards fixed
-The lava raises a bit faster now! Hee hee
-The cursed idol is a bit easier to be noticed
-Fixed that energy-related bug!
-Press Control + M to mute/unmute music
-Press Control + N to mute/unmute sound effects

Other stuff I think I’ll add later on:

-at least one more enemy, probably two or even three (most of the new enemies are secret though)
-currently there sometimes seems to appear 2 red dragons; I’ll fix that for they’re totally annoying.
-I got a very nice suggestion for a new non-secret item; I’ll add that to the shop
-I’ll also alter the shop system otherwise too, to lessen the amount of moving back and forth.

I’ve been pondering those spikes; they’d indeed seem cool. Though there wouldn’t be much of them; and they wouldn’t probably kill enemies.

Tags: Excavatorrr

Excavatorrr weather report.
Posted on 2009-10-26 22:24

So, the current version of my game Excavatorrr is 1.12. I’ll be updating it probably rather rapidly in the future, so it’s good to check if your version is the newest; there’ll probably going to be some more radical changes in the near future. You have the currently newest version if your game has stalactites!
here’s the log of changes compared to the older version:

-You can attack while holding the umbrella
-New ‘secret’ item added
-Stalactites added
-The way lava works is changed
-the enemies shouldn’t keep moving when they’re flattened now

And here’s a log of changes I’ll do in the future, at least.

-2-3 new enemies
-at least 1 new item, hopefully less secret
-shops that appear in the lower levels too
-bugfix on the stalactites that appear inside blocks
-more easily recognizable cursed idol (it’s anyway sellable, so it’s better that people find it)
-bugfix on jumping in certain tight places

I have also thought of still a few new traps; how about some sort of plant? or spikes

Tags: Excavatorrr

It is time for some action.
Posted on 2009-10-26 13:36

Boo yah, finally got around to add this blog here. Soo, this is a blog of me, Arvi Teikari, and don’t expect me to update very actively, I already have too many things to remember! I’ll post here about my game projects, and also about other things. I think you’ll see mostly posts about Excavatorrr during the next weeks, though.

Tags: Other

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