Cities… again
Posted on 2010-08-09 17:15

It has been annoyingly hot lately, ranging from 25 to 30 degrees celcius (ok, there are warmer places but to me it feels annoyingly hot). The air has also been rather humid, leading to sweat. I therefore justify my lack of working on the second incarnation of this map generator. Er.

Anyway, cities are in, and although one of them accidentally ended up in the middle of a mountain, they usually try to locate themselves near shorelines and plains. Also, some reworking managed to bring the generation time from 9 seconds to about 2-3 seconds. It’s kinda funny: if it was merely about the colours, I could generate the world in a second. However, because I have to also determine which earth type each colour represents, the generation becomes way longer. Ok, not quite funny.

Next there shall be roads, and this time I’m actuallt working on a game engine to go with the generator. Hopefully we can someday see the rise of an adventure game. Hopefully!


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

More unnecessary stuff
Posted on 2010-08-05 13:34

Now it looks a bit better. Still hard to read, though.

Also, here’s how stuff looks when I treat the height literally:

I also made a simple Mode7 visualizer, but it didn’t work too well:

It’s so much fun just playing with this map that I’m kinda derailed from my original objective. I guess I’ll add cities today.


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

Unnecessary fun stuff
Posted on 2010-08-05 00:18

I pondered a bit today about the way I want the possible game to handle the generated map. My current idea would be to have grid-based scrolling, so that you always see one frame, and the game ‘scrolls’ to a new area when you touch the borders. That way I can always load (and perhaps generate) new areas as required. However, there’s one problem: the maps are quite huge, and if I made every pixel represent an area (320×240), the game would get really big very fast. That wouldn’t be much of a problem otherwise, but I fear such huge worlds might get boring very fast – I think it might be better to go with smaller and tighter worlds, and have them to be full of stuff. Also, if every pixel was an area (or perhaps ‘room’ would be a better word), I probably should divide the world into regions, and the map would essentially consist of stuff in the current region. A region could be, say, 20×16 rooms in size. That’d make the map a bit easier to read.

Anyway, I quickly created some kinds of ‘visualizers’ just for fun, mainly inspired by the visualizers of Minecraft. They look quite horrible and are hard to read, so I guess I wont be using them anywhere.

Here’s my first test on displaying a region separately from the map. As you see, the height makes it really hard to read. I’m overall not sure how I should treat height, though – if the game is isometric/top-down, should the game just create walls to places where the height difference is high enough? Or should there be some elaborate path system that’d create meaningful areas and paths?

Here’s also the whole world visualized. It’s hard to read, but I think it has some kind of charm to it.


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

back to work
Posted on 2010-08-03 23:20

Started working on the world generator again. I recoded it from scratch, and currently it creates basic worlds in less than a second (compare to the older, which took over 15 seconds!) The screen size is a bit smaller, though, and there are no cities, roads or races yet, but I think I’ll be able to make this one much tighter than the earlier one. This time I think I have even a game idea to go with the generator! We’ll see.

Agersant at the TIGsource IRC channel suggested some changes to the colours, and they sure look a thousand times better! The map may be a bit hard to read, though- there are lots of shades of green!


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

Posted on 2010-08-01 00:33

Been hugely lazy and demotivated lately. Gotta get a game going!! And also give some use to that world generator I showed off earlier, it’d be a shame not to use it!


Tags: Other, Plans

Amusing spam
Posted on 2010-07-26 03:28

“HELP! I’m currently being held prisoner by the Russian mafia xyzrxyz penis enlargement xyzrxyz and being forced to post spam comments on blogs and forum! If you don’t approve this they will kill me. xyzrxyz penis enlargement xyzrxyz They’re coming back now. xyzrxyz vimax xyzrxyz Please send help! nitip vimax”

“landscaping is very cool coz you got to rearrange new stuffs on your yard.,-*”

These are way too funny!


Tags: Other

Be A Man – the story of World War Swing Show-off
Posted on 2010-07-11 22:02

No More Sweden was really intense and fun this time around! I’m currently in the house of one of the organizers, watching some football. Everything has gone fine this far and I’ve had a great time here. Hopefully I’ll get safely home, too!

Anyway, here’s the game I made for for the 48-hour game jam. My theme words were World War, Swing and Show and I made a really tiny game from the first idea I could get. Hopefully I’ll do something better next year. :) Daniel Remar’s Be A Man was one of the funniest games I’ve ever played, I hope he uploads it even though it may be hard to understand the inside-jokes.

World War Swing Show-off

Download the game
(It’s a two-player hotseat game, all the instructions are in the game file!)


Tags: Games, No More Sweden, Other

No More Finland For No More Sweden
Posted on 2010-07-08 19:06

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for No More Sweden, the most amazing tiny indie jam this summer. All the cool guys shall be there, or at least northern cool guys!


Tags: No More Sweden, Other

Assigning regions gone wrong
Posted on 2010-06-24 00:27

That'd take quite a few tribes!

I’m attempting to assign the areas on the world map for different ‘tribes’ (currently identified just by ID). I guess the assigner shouldn’t be as sensitive… (Each coloured area is supposed to be a region).

EDIT: Ok, got it to work better (even though it may not look like that). Next I have to get some rules onto what races can appear and where. When I tried random assigning, about 60% of the world belonged to the undead!

Better now!


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

Working on cities
Posted on 2010-06-22 22:57

The name generator sucks. SUCKS.

Creating identifying stuff for the cities has proved to be harder than I thought; there a couple weird things here and there that affect annoyingly the results. Also the world generation seems to take about 14-16 seconds now, and that’s not good enough. I have to look into this code carefully…

…However, everything is going quite much fine with this project. After the cities are in place, I think I’ll start working on the races that inhabit the world. I wonder if I should use the stupid old fantasy clichés or create my own creatures?

More stuff!


Tags: Procedural generation, World generator

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