Posted on 2011-04-06 00:49
Tags: Games, Masjin
Posted on 2011-04-05 00:49
Hehey, it’s here. Changelog:
* In-game control changing!
* Chatlogs and ability to save them
* New item, a box of five rockets!
* Bugfixes as always
* I’m testing a short unfinished music provided by shojin in this version. Please do give feedback! It’s very short currently, though.
* Nicer starting menus
* You can now safely drop items with down + throw
* I changed the shape of the base to accommodate UFOs and mech suits better
* You can now make and join private games. Type the name of the game to the host bar and press “join/create private”!

Tags: Games, Masjin
Version 1.6c
Posted on 2011-04-04 14:23

* Added the mech suit!
* Added gravity grenades!
* Added some decoration to the menus (not enough yet!)
* Made the game selection list not blink and remove your selection
* Made the UFO-like vehicle buyable
* Fixed more bugs in the ore
* Fixed a ton of bugs caused by the updates 1.6 and 1.6b
* Added team chat channel. Type ‘/t’ in front of your line to make it team-only.
Tags: Games, Masjin
Masjin and Game Applet
Posted on 2011-04-02 17:04
My posts have been quite low on content lately, but maybe we’ll have more meat here now. So!
I’ve updated Masjin, the newest version is now 1.58 1.59! I suggest updating, since several things have been fixed & added there, including:
- Changeable controls
- A little info text for beginners
- Replaced control point
- Fixed a bug related to ore where every round there was only a tiny bit of it
- Fixed another bug with the game running even slower than usual
- A new item, the medikit
- Polish
I had to remove the Engineer class since it didn’t have any benefits. Hopefully it’ll be put back later on. I’ll make another update soon with hopefully even a new item!

And for the game applet on the main site, I’ve noted people complaining that it’s way too confusing to use. I guess I’ll need to redesign it soon; I added Masjin today but I guess new games should be more easily distinguishable from the old. Looking to it
Tags: Games, Masjin, Other
Posted on 2011-04-01 01:57
Posted on 2011-03-21 14:10

This may be for something. Maybe.Tags: Art, Games, ESA
Bing Bong
Posted on 2011-03-17 00:10
My matriculation examination is now almost over, so expect updates later this week! Sorry for being lazy.Tags: Other
Posted on 2011-02-09 02:14
(Broken image)
Also I played with custom palettes:

Tags: Games, Art, ESA, Masjin
What, a new project? No way!
Posted on 2011-01-30 03:39
So, the TIGsource community has hosted a 2-month game creation compo, with theme ‘Versus’. The idea is to make a competitive multiplayer game. I have been fiddling with network code lately, so this theme seemed pretty well-fit for my current interests. Sorry guys, I’ll put IaFC and BtBH on hold until this compo is over!
Anyway, my game doesn’t have a proper name yet (Masjin is a possibility), but it’s a team combat game with flavours from TF2 and Minecraft. There are four classes, and each has its own pros and cons. Both teams also have a wide variety of machines and gadgets at their disposal, thus bringing more flavours to the battle. The idea of the game is to capture and then protect an artifact for a set time, while preventing the other team from getting it.
The game’s still quite buggy and needs a good computer to run due to my unoptimized code, but we’ve had quite some fun with it these past few days. Do drop in, you whoever are reading this!
The newest version is always here!
Some pics:
(Broken images)
Tags: Games, Masjin
More stuff on IaFC!
Posted on 2011-01-18 00:07
(Broken image)
I added a freakin’ new enemy type! Also did a lot of other stuff, but there’re still some pretty huge things to be made before I can hope for the game to feel actually playable. Hopefully I’ll do those later this week!Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Plans
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