Beautiful Spring
Posted on 2011-04-19 13:56

I just had an extremely enjoyable walkie with my dog. Spring is quickly progressing here in Finland, and it’s already warm enough to walk without a jacket (about +11 degrees celcius). We live on the northern side of a hill, so the snow melts really slowly here, but nevertheless there’s much less of it than a week or so ago. However, there’s a larger patch of it on the small field our neighbour owns, and our dog took his time to play around in the snow before we got home.
Our dog is a Tibetan Mastiff and weighs nearly 65 kilograms, so it’s pretty funny to see him rolling in the snow.

Tags: Other

Masjin server down! …Is No Longer
Posted on 2011-04-18 23:57

It’s down. I’ll try to figure out why and for long, but try this server hosting app during that:

Here we go again, it was temporary.


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-17 01:31

* Capture the flag!
* A menu where you can set some parameters for the game before hosting.
* The game list now shows the number of players.
* The builder is now slightly faster.

Get it derp


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-16 01:36

* New logo
* Made the winning/losing screens better. Still needs a lot of work though!
* Balanced some prices
* Fixed bugs
* Players now get a radar in the beginning of the round, and dirt bombs don’t work at the control point.

Hopefully this bombardment of updates will slow down eventually so that I can make other blogposts as well!!


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-15 00:54

1.7 is now finished! Kinda cool, and seeing that I started counting at 1.46 or so the game has progressed quite a few versions! Anyway:

* Lowered prices again.
* Added two new research subjects, digging speed and healing. Also added one new level to ninja research.
* Made the poison more potent.
* New item, the dirt bomb!
* I redesigned the control point to make it less tight.
* Radar is now back, hopefully it works this time around.
* Bugfixes, mostly small but I hopefully fixed one bigger one, related to joining to games.


Tags: Games, Masjin

1.69c! What the darn
Posted on 2011-04-13 21:42

* Made the lobby even nicer
* Added the ninja
* Ninja cloaking is a research subject
* Fixed two really stupid bugs and a couple smaller ones
* Altered the prices a bit
* Added the poison bomb
* More bugfixes
* Another new item, the radar – reveals invisible units! This may be VERY VERY overpowered, though!
* More balancing to the ninja and such.
* Base code for the rest of the research subjects; they’re not implemented yet.



Tags: Games, Masjin

1.67, actually
Posted on 2011-04-12 10:38

* Bugfixes, such as the one related to turrets.
* Implemented the vehicle lock. Now all vehicles are ‘locked’ to their respective team, and the other team needs to ‘unlock’ them to get to use them. Unlocked vehicles are free-for-all, but the loyalty chip (below) can lock them again.
* A new item, the loyalty chip, that instantly makes a “teamless” machine locked to your team.
* You can now view a changelog for the new updates.
* Really unfinished research. You can currently only research bonus health up to 200 hp.
* Missiles now do more damage to people in vehicles.


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-11 02:41

1.66b is here!


* Buffed flashbangs, rockets, turrets
* Made the Spy ID also change your name!
* A new item, the napalm bottle
* Bugfixing, lots of small stuff
* Spruces!

Also the turrets are now broken in a way: they target and kill also teammates! Yay.
ding dong


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-09 19:57

Version 1.65 is here! Changelog:

* Destroyable vehicles removed for the sake of bugs.
* Damage should be fully or at least mostly clientside now, which should fix some bugs.
* The game now remembers your last-entered nickname.
* You can change the server and port in the ‘server.txt’, but the hosting app isn’t ready yet!
* Boosted both turrets and speed chips.
* You can now only see games that use the same version as you in the lobby. This should make it harder to break the games of other people by barging in with an outdated version!
* A new item, the Spy ID! I really like the concept, hopefully you will as well.

I’ll try to get some neat new gifs here to brighten up the monotony. Eventually.


Tags: Games, Masjin

v. 1.64b
Posted on 2011-04-08 02:51

So here it is again, your faily dose of Masjin! 1.64b adds stuff like:

* Vehicles can be destroyed now! This is probably hilariously buggy at the moment, so please report all weird things as usual. Smiley
* Fixed a huge bug in item management. Basically all the vehicles/items that the round started with were reset for each player joining, which resulted in stupid bugs.
* Other small bugs are now fixed, again again
* Cybermasons can now also dig ore! This is crucial since the diggers may disappear as the game goes on.
* Turrets are better now. They still need more health, it seems.

Here we go again!


Tags: Games, Masjin

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