Posted on 2011-02-09 02:14

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Also I played with custom palettes:

Tags: Games, Art, ESA, Masjin

What, a new project? No way!
Posted on 2011-01-30 03:39

So, the TIGsource community has hosted a 2-month game creation compo, with theme ‘Versus’. The idea is to make a competitive multiplayer game. I have been fiddling with network code lately, so this theme seemed pretty well-fit for my current interests. Sorry guys, I’ll put IaFC and BtBH on hold until this compo is over!

Anyway, my game doesn’t have a proper name yet (Masjin is a possibility), but it’s a team combat game with flavours from TF2 and Minecraft. There are four classes, and each has its own pros and cons. Both teams also have a wide variety of machines and gadgets at their disposal, thus bringing more flavours to the battle. The idea of the game is to capture and then protect an artifact for a set time, while preventing the other team from getting it.

The game’s still quite buggy and needs a good computer to run due to my unoptimized code, but we’ve had quite some fun with it these past few days. Do drop in, you whoever are reading this!

The newest version is always here!

Some pics:

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Tags: Games, Masjin

More stuff on IaFC!
Posted on 2011-01-18 00:07

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I added a freakin’ new enemy type! Also did a lot of other stuff, but there’re still some pretty huge things to be made before I can hope for the game to feel actually playable. Hopefully I’ll do those later this week!

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Plans

Level 13
Posted on 2011-01-06 01:31

So then! Level 13 is finally here, let us all dwell in endless sjoy! The level is quite complicated but I think it’s not too bad. The teaser pic was already posted below so no pic this time, sorry!

I’ll put It’s a Frickin’ Cave for a pause up until I lose my motivation with BtBH again. I’d really want to finish this (and both!).
Here’s still a teaser pic from IaFC:

(Broken image)

Tags: Games, FIG, Small games, Ludum Dare

Ding Dong
Posted on 2011-01-04 22:41

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(Broken image)

Tags: Games, FIG

Posted on 2010-12-25 19:24

I’ve kept working on this LD game, hopefully I’ll get it finished in a few weeks. I’ve added a ton of stuff, but there’re still another five tons to add.

Here’s a small graph of the level structure I’ve intended:

Cliché? What cliché?

The Netherworld would be like a bonus area, something you’d sometimes find portals to. In the Netherworld you’d find a lot more portals, each either sending you further to the Netherworld or sending you to some level in the other areas. To avoid looping, it’d probably always send you to a later level than the one where you entered the Netherworld. In the end of the Netherworld you’d find some pretty difficult boss; I think that’d be pretty rewarding.

Each area lasts probably about 5 levels, the last of which contains some kind of a boss. There’d also be a chance to get some cool special areas, such as an ice area or an area with all the enemies brandishing a certain variation – currently I’ve implemented ice and fire variations of each enemy, but there’ll be more to come.

I’ll be blabbering about this here in the future, and below this paragraph you can play the game as it is currently; I’ll keep updating it. In case you don’t want to play the game in this blog, use THIS LINK

(Broken Flash embed)

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation

Ludum Dare #19 – ‘Discovery’
Posted on 2010-12-20 18:29

Herp a derp – I’ve been quite silent for some time but I can assure you that I’m working on stuff! Anyhow, Ludum Dare was this weekend and after some stressed pondering about a game idea I came up with one and actually finished the darn thing!
I made a silly little roguelikeish called It’s A Frickin’ Cave, and I think I’ll work it further since it plays quite nicely and just needs more content. The theme was ‘Discovery’, but I kind of forgot that during the action.

Play the game through THIS LINK! It’s all flash so don’t worry about downloading stuff!

I also made a neat timelapse of the game. There’s some gameplay footage in the end, too, so jump to 4:28 or so to see it!

(Broken video)

Whoops, almost forgot a screenshot!

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation

KotMK #41
Posted on 2010-11-21 03:40

It’s half past 3 in the morning and I should be sleeping. Here’s the game:



The “game” is an online chat app so try to get a friend online too for maximum hilarity!

Tags: Glorious Trainwrecks, Games, Small games

Posted on 2010-11-18 23:48

I just finished an art piece I’ve been working on for a long time. It’s really late, so maybe I’ll let DeviantArt speak for me:
“This is my work for the Arts Diploma course offered in our school. I made it mostly because it gave me a good reason to do a really big art piece, I’ve never done anything of this size. Also I quite think it’s my best piece this far. We had 6 themes to choose from, mine was “Mathematical art” and the inspirer was none other than M. C. Escher.

Making this took about 20 hours, maybe a bit less. We had one school course of time to finish this and the accompanying portfolio. Making the portfolio was quite a chore because it required us to explain what’s so special about our work, what is it’s “message”. I never think about stuff like that so creating some meaning wasn’t very fun.

Most of the work was made with paste colours, and the hexagonal structure was improved with some wood pencils. I also had to edit the pic a bit after scanning, because even though I used a high-quality scanning service, some of the brighter colours had turned to white. Quite annoying, hmph.”

So there. Click the image to see it in DA.

Tags: Art

Posted on 2010-11-13 21:32

I finally, finally got that donation button going. I’m sorry, it’s paypal, but it’s still the easiest method around.


Tags: Other

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