So, NMS 2011 was this weekend! It was a blast, I enjoyed it thoroughly. All the cool people were there and we got to test some really interesting games, such as Johann Sebastian Joust, and a new game from the same guy (Douglas Wilson) called ‘Monster’ (alternative name option would be ‘Beacon of Light’). It’s a lot of fun playing games that feel like those classic games I played with my friends were in primary school or such, but with additional control added with the Sony Move controllers.
Also, we of course had sort of a game-making competition; people wrote verbs on pieces of paper, and everyone had to pick 1-3 verbs and use them as the theme of their game. My verb was ‘Boooom’, which is a bit on the edge on whether it’s a verb to begin with. I used it as if it was meant as ‘to explode’; I made 2 games, the first of which failed because it really was too ambitious.
Here’s a picture:

The game was supposed to have the theme included in the plotline – the No More Sweden facility was going to be about to destroy Sweden with various bombs, and Hercule Poirot would’ve been sent to disarm them. The engine was quite solid, but doing a full game with it would’ve been a major pain.
I started a new game when there was only 11 hours left to the competition. This time I used much more simplified graphics in order to make it in time.

I’m actually very happy with the game itself. It turned out to be brutally hard, but other than that the style is kinda nice. I had to leave for my airplane right after the compo ended, so my game didn’t really make it to the voting. I also got some nice music composed by Anosou. Thanks Anosou!
GO PLAY THE GAMETags: Games, Small games, No More Sweden
Posted on 2011-08-02 00:51
-A little tutorial-like thing added. It’s a bit empty at the moment, I need to add more stuff to it.
-Mucus grenade buffed a lot!
-Hand tele made ninja-cloakable
-Fixed lots of small bugs and a couple bigger ones!
-Added a nice little tooltip to the shop screen to give a bit of information about the items.
-Removed that dumb level type.
-In ore race, a team earns 5 ore by killing someone in the opposing team.
Tags: Games, Masjin
1.5 coming later this week
Posted on 2011-08-01 20:40
I’ve been slightly out of steam, but I’m quite sure I’ll get the next update out this week. After that I’m quite sure I’ll try to work on other projects for a while; I’d like to get some games such as Officer Alfred done. Next weekend I’ll zoom off to Stockholm for No More Sweden, yippee! I’m even going to hold a presentation. I’ll try to advertize Masjin there a bit, it’d be nice to get a lan-like session of the game running (that might even help to locate some bugs). Hopefully the weekend will be all kinds of great anyway.
On other news, check out this insanely neat fan-made Masjin trailer:
(Broken video)
Tags: Games, Masjin, No More Sweden, Plans
Masjin 1.4b
Posted on 2011-07-30 03:01
Ehh, it seems like I can’t stop updating this one, haha.
New stuff:
– New item, the mucous grenade (I actually misspelled that one but it kind of fits, still). It slows people down; mainly created against the speed+ chip.
– Speed+ chip has been returned back to its former glory due to player feedback.
– The mines now remember who put them down, so there should be no more ‘killed by !’ -messages on that part. There’s still the same bug with some other weapons, though.
– New gamemode, ‘Ore race’! I fear this may be magnificently boring, but I kind of like the idea so we’ll see what happens! The idea is to collect all the ore. As an interesting sidenote, I haven’t tested if it’s winnable, derp.
– Some small bugfixes.
– More domination lines; 5 in total. Some people are really good at this game, huh. Undecided
– You can see every player’s skill streak in the in-game status window.
Also some new bugs that I need to pin down for version 1.5.
Tags: Games, Masjin
Not so final version after all!
Posted on 2011-07-25 01:13
A small patch to Masjin. Changelog:
Fixed a couple more bugs
Turrets have been buffed
Speed+ chip has been nerfed
There’re now 3 items that become invisible with the ninja cloak; they’ve been marked with a small ninja head (It may be that the ninja is now insanely overpowered!)
Radar radius has been increased
cybermasons can now fix turrets by standing next to them (hopefully this doesn’t make them too OP; we’ll see)
The safety blocks can be turned off when hosting a game
Balanced the audio a bit
More price balancing
Tags: Games, Masjin
Final Version of Masjin
Posted on 2011-07-24 09:40
Ok, here it is! Who am I lying – this isn’t the last version, since there are still features to add! However, this version should be final in terms of gameplay sans some tiny tweaks like balancing. New things to this version are:
Player profiles
Profile-specific statistics for your delight
New, improved menus
A proper readme (WOAH)
Musics and more sound effects
In-game summary thing (accessible via SPACE)
Some bugfixes
Some price balancing
Builders can now build ramps
The music was composed by Artem Bank, going by the name Shojin in the internets!
Tags: Games, Masjin
Much ado about Masjin
Posted on 2011-07-23 18:37
Heyhey, added two new things today – the profile thing and an in-game status screen. Behold! I need still to colour the names according to team, though.
(Broken image)
I need still to colour the names according to team, though!
(Broken image)
You no longer get kills by committing suicide!
Tags: Games, Masjin
Masjin, o Masjin
Posted on 2011-07-21 01:48
I decided that that game ought to be finished for good, so I made a list of things that still have to be added and started working on them. Here’s the list:
Level editor
In-game status/game data screen
Player ‘accounts’ and then status pages for them
Diagonal tiles for the builder (finally!)
Musics & sound effects
Proper readme & some more stuff into the main menus
Post-game summary for a finished round
I already implemented the diagonals, as seen here (the ugly grey box has to be there, unfortunately :()
Currently I’m working on the level editor. It’s relatively simple though there are some things I need to think about before implementing. Sneak peek:

Tags: Games, Masjin, Plans
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