Masjin server crashed, back up.
Posted on 2011-10-03 20:48
Huh, I suppose I should eventually create a server app for players to use. I’m not sure if anyone would find it worthwhile, though …?
Tags: Games, Masjin
More Masjin stuff
Posted on 2011-10-01 21:32
The level editor is coming up slowly but nicely; at the moment I’m thinking of a replacement for the molotov cocktail due to the fact that the poison bomb basically does the same job and is tons more efficient. Here are the two options I have currently in mind:
1) Black Hole bomb – It has been suggested at least thrice here, so I guess people would like to see it. Basically it’d be the opposite of gravity bomb, sucking people to the center of the explosion instead of pushing people away. I’m not sure how useful this’d be, but it could be used nicely in conjunction with a mine.
2) Remote-controlled bomb/missile – Basically a floating bomb/missile that the player could move about for a short while before detonating it. Could do wonders against turrets and people trying to hide in hard-to-reach places.
So what do you think?
Tags: Games, Masjin
Masjin 1.9b
Posted on 2011-09-26 02:21
The old port (65002) was broken, so I had to make this quickfix to migrate to 6121. Also a couple bugs are fixed, but all in all there isn’t much new.
Tags: Games, Masjin
Masjin server port has changed, duh!
Posted on 2011-09-22 20:32
The old port was 65002. It turns out Jamie changed this to 65000, which is of course a much neater and rounder number. Once I get the editor done I’ll put up a version with this changed.
(alternate ‘good’ ports are 6121 and 6122)
Tags: Games, Masjin
Posted on 2011-09-13 01:05
Version 1.9 is out! After a week-long battle with the server it’s finally here; though since I didn’t want to delay it further, most of the bigger promised additions are absent. Changelog:
* New server build! This is most probably a good thing, and will later allow IP-bans and such.
* Dedicated server! Thanks, Jamie and Mathias, you guys rock!
* New research subject – shopping time for the engineers!
* Ninja cloak was removed from research; it’s now available right away.
* Various bugfixes
* If a player breaks down (is left swimming mid-air, immortal etc), the game attempts to remove them so that they can’t spoil the game for others.
* Emoticons (sorta!) – push number buttons and experience beauty!
* Something else, possibly, can’t just remember what
In other news, Once in Space was reviewed at!
Tags: Games, Masjin, Small games
Abloobloo Lacewing build #19
Posted on 2011-09-08 01:16
So, the creator of Lacewing, Jamie, has updated the network extension to a new version, with a lot of new stuff to have fun with. Problem is, there are still some little bugs and at the moment Masjin can’t really be updated until he fixes certain data-sending related things. I was quite worried today when the game suddenly stopped working, but I’ll try to contact him tomorrow.
Tags: Games, Masjin, Other
Masjin gets publicity, sweet!
Posted on 2011-09-05 21:29
I noted a couple days ago that Masjin was mentioned (again) on the indiegames blog, and now there has also been a mention at Rock, Paper, Shotgun! Sweet stuff, thanks for informing me about these.
Indieblog link
RPS link

Tags: Games, Masjin
Masjin 1.8b
Posted on 2011-09-03 01:27
Ok, here it is.
* Added banning! Banned players are put into a blacklist in the game folder, so you can conveniently remove them if needed. Type ‘/ban USERNAME’ in-game to ban a player. Due to me using an outdated version of Lacewing, bans are username-based so they’re VERY easy to dodge. Working on that; I’ll try to update Lacewing and hope it doesn’t break everything.
* Mucus grenade buffed significantly, maybe even too significantly!
* Engineer’s shop changed a lot; now you need to stand still a while before you get to the shop, but at least the prices are back to normal.
* Added two more slopes to the builder.
* Joining a game should be much less of a hassle. I fear though that there might be bugs in this.
Yes indeed
Tags: Games, Masjin
Ludum Dare #21 and stuff
Posted on 2011-08-24 14:11
Oh well, so Ludum Dare was last weekend, with the theme ‘Escape’. Wasn’t really my cup of tea, and in the end I didn’t manage to create anything of interest, just a simple engine for a possible future game (I spent so much timing finishing parts of the engine that I ultimately didn’t need).
On other news, I’ll be moving away from my parents’ soon, which’ll mean a pause in any updates whatsoever. Not that big a deal, but it’s pretty exciting for me! And then for the games:
Beyond the Black Hole: Yep, still not given up on this! The engine is old and horrid, but I hope that inspiration eventually strikes and I can get it done.
Masjin: I think I’ll make an update to fix the currently existing bigger bugs and then take some time off the project in order to pursue other stuff.
Paradise Fort flash: I recently found a much easier way to handle certain stuff, so expect to see some updates on this eventually!
Then there’re various smaller things I’m working on or at least planning to work on. As Usual, I’ll wait until they’re a bit more ripe before announcing ’em.

Stuff like this.
Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Masjin, FIG, Plans
Masjin V. 1.7
Posted on 2011-08-15 23:58
* New class, the engineer! Stand still and press Z to open his own special fabricator. Since there are no other downsides but increased price, I imagine they’ll need some balancing. But hey, they’re here anyhoo.
* Moved the turret healing ability from cybermasons to engineers.
* Fixed a couple weird bugs.
* The game now shows information about the gamemode as you join.
* You can leave a buy menu just by clicking anywhere.
* There was a really easily exploitable builder glitch that allowed basically unlimited griefing; fixed that and trying it again makes you suicide so don’t even try!
* Fixed a really dumb bug about money. Protip: when you send signed bytes remember to check if the value sent is between -128-128!
Tags: Games, Masjin
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