Posted on 2014-07-03 18:50

A friend of mine introduced the artist Moondog to me and I read up about him a bit. Moondog was a blind composer/artist who willingly spent 20-30 years of his life on the streets of New York dressed up as his idea of Odin. Also he had a fantastic beard, which inspired me to paint. :) I recommend listening to his song Bird’s Lament, it’s great!

Tags: Art

Another stream!
Posted on 2014-06-30 15:34

I’ll be streaming ESA again tomorrow 1.7. at 11 PM (GMT/UTC)! The channel is the same, :) I’m going to show off the water area and just in general play through the game. Spoilers! Excitement! Embarrassing bugs I’ve forgotten to fix! Be there!

In other news (still ESA-related, though), I finished the final phase of the final boss! There’s still stuff to be done on that bossfight (mainly cutscene-related), but at least the biggest hurdle is behind now.

EDIT: And we’re done! Watch the stream here:

Tags: Games, ESA, Happenings, Streaming

[Added 2024/07/28]ESA 1 final boss design
Posted on 2014-06-26 14:59

More Wordpress archives, this time from ESA 1. Spoilers!

19th June, 2014 - Lookin' nice

26th June, 2014 - Even nicer!

Tags: Games, ESA

ESA stream?!?
Posted on 2014-06-26 12:46

I’ll be trying to stream ESA today 26.6. at 11 PM (GMT). The stream wont be recorded so be there in time! The channel will be .

The final boss is slowly getting there but the pace of my game development has been horribly slow. Sorry about that! :(

EDIT: Turns out one can just turn recording on at will. Watch the stream here:

Tags: Games, ESA, Happenings, Streaming

Posted on 2014-06-19 21:07

Yay! I haven’t painted in half a year, and it felt really good to do so again. Too bad the break can be seen in the quality of the piece, but I like it anyway.

Tags: Art

ESA submitted to IndieCade
Posted on 2014-06-16 03:12

So I was asked to consider submitting ESA to the IndieCade event (, and after some confusion about the entry fee and the nature of the thing I did send the game to the judges. Hopefully they’ll find it enjoyable, although I have hard time imagining a retro metroidvania doing very well at larger-scale competitions these days.

In other news, I have been having some ~~real-life obstacles~~ lately which have reduced my will to work on games for the time being a lot. I’m pretty sure this is temporary (and I have plenty of ideas), but for now working on existing projects will be somewhat slowish until I get things sorted out. I think I have a pretty nice plan for ESA’s final boss’ final form, and to be honest I kind of look forward to spriting it!

Tags: Games, ESA, Happenings, Other

Posted on 2014-06-10 00:27

Tags: Games, ESA

Posted on 2014-05-26 03:01

I’ll be away for a bit over a week due to holiday-ish reasons. Sorry about that!

Tags: Games, ESA

The situation with ESA
Posted on 2014-05-23 03:51

Alright, so ESA has been very close to being completed for a while now. However, these last things have taken quite a bit more time than I assumed, mostly due to not feeling inspired to go that extra mile. Since I’m have a bit more patience than I did some years ago, this lack of inspiration doesn’t mean that I’d abandon the game now, but it means things might take a bit longer still. Another reason the game wont be finished as soon as I’d like is that the soundwork isn’t finished; the composer has had an extremely busy Spring and thus has been able to get cracking on the audio only fairly recently. This is totally understandable and I don’t mind it, but it means that the game will probably be finished content-wise before the audio is ready.

So, what’s left to be done? Let’s list:

- Two phases for the final boss. The second phase has been giving me a lot of trouble because the concept I originally had wasn’t really very fun to play against. I’m still not quite sure where to go with the second phase, but fortunately the rest of the fight I have pretty much designed already.
- A mini-miniboss in the final area. I had a really cool idea for a small miniboss-ish battle right before the final one, to increase the difficulty of the final area but also to give the ending more weight, as it were. I have the fight planned but figuring out an interesting design for the boss took some time.
- The station bestiary. I’m regretting adding this somewhat, because implementing it will be really boring, but then again the concept is way too great not to use! I always loved that enemy list thing in the end of Super Mario World and want to make something slightly similar here. This’ll be the very last thing I’ll work on.
- As mentioned, the audio. I’ve implemented the sound system in terms of game code already, so I’ll just have to add in sound effects and music as they’re finished.
- A larger secret thing. The secret game area is done for good, but there’s a part of it that requires some hardcoded cutscenery and such. This shouldn’t be too hard, I’m just lazy.

I’m going to announce a release date as soon as I feel confident enough to decide on one! Sorry about making empty promises in the past (the official trailer still says I might finish the game in 2012, sigh). I’m not really used to hyping up a game-in-development so stuff like deadlines are my bane!

Tags: Games, ESA, Plans, Other

Ludum Dare results!
Posted on 2014-05-22 15:59

The voting ended last sunday, but I’ve forgotten to post the results! I think the game might’ve fared better had I had more time to test other people’s games, but still, I’m pretty happy! The results are:

89th overall

27th in Innovation
29th in Humor
86th in Fun
172th in Graphics
(Placing in the rest of the categories is over 200, so I wont paste them here!)

Considering that there were 2497 entries overall, being in the top 100 in three categories isn’t too bad, I’d say! :) I’m really amazed that so many rated every single game, that must have taken a lot of time even if they gave every entry just the barest of a glance before rating…

Link to the game

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare

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