I don’t even know
Posted on 2014-12-14 03:54

Tags: Games, Art
Posted on 2014-12-11 02:14
Made as a tribute for a fellow coder

Tags: Art
Where They Once Were post-compo version
Posted on 2014-12-09 00:45
That didn’t take long! I added another ending and sounds (courtesy of Freesound.org, see the Credits.txt for details), and I think the game feels much much better atmosphere-wise now.
The Ludum Dare page of the game (old version)

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare
Ludum Dare #31
Posted on 2014-12-08 07:39
It was Ludum Dare time again! The theme (Entire Game On One Screen) garnered rather high amounts of criticism, and I’ve got to admit that initially I found it a tough one due to it not fitting any of the ideas I had before the compo began. However, whereas usually if I’m not inspired right when the compo begins I tend not to be able to gather motivation later on either, this time I got an idea after ditching all my original ones and it stuck.
Usually my LD games tend to be heavy on content and light on visuals, but this time that was different, too – the game’s all about atmosphere and while there’s very little to do, I think it works on some level. I had to leave out some stuff I originally planned to do, but I’m considering possibly making an ‘extended’ version for the 72-hour jam. Sound effects would be a wonderful bonus!
My game’s called Where They Once Were (I dislike the title but I didn’t have time to change it!!) It’s a survivalish horrorish thing where you control an anonymous woman taking refuge in a weird abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere. There are 3 endings, although 2 of them are more like variations of a game over screen. There’re some light puzzle elements, but I think the game can be enjoyed without caring about them.

Visit the game’s LD page!
Here’s also the timelapse video (full playthrough at the end:)
Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare
Posted on 2014-11-17 21:55

Tags: Art
Dumb thing
Posted on 2014-11-12 14:15
To celebrate the ongoing 7-day FPS challenge, I made a really dumb raycasting engine in Multimedia Fusion 2:

I’ve started to draw a longer, story-driven comic. I’m about 8 pages in (although I haven’t coloured/inked any of them, I hope that goes smoothly (going to use watercolour)), and I think I’ll open up some kind of a webcomic thing if I get far enough. Way too early to promise anything though. Nevertheless, I’m excited :)
As for ESA, I haven’t heard any news Greenlight-wise; it’s unfortunate that I can’t say more, but that’s the way it is, the release isn’t really in my hands now. Sorry about that!

Tags: Games, ESA, Plans, Other, Art
Two new paintings!
Posted on 2014-10-25 15:40

Tags: Art
OS X support added along with an update!
Posted on 2014-10-11 02:18
Announcement: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/updates/323687528/1412982809
OS X version of the Environmental Station Alpha Demo is now available at http://www.hempuli.com/esa ! The file size is rather large (roughly 140 Mb) because it contains a wrapper made with Wineskin by doh123 (wineskin.urgesoftware.com/). Unfortunately the port wont work with most gamepads.
The Windows version was also updated:
– Made the gamepad control settings properly available
– Credits can be left if viewed from the main menu
– Slight polish here and there
Enormous thanks to Pyry Kontio for handling the wrapping, testing and optimization!
Get the new version or grab the mac version here!Tags: Games, ESA, Plans
Environmental Station Alpha on Greenlight – new trailer and demo out!
Posted on 2014-10-08 01:11
Yeah, that’s true! The game’s votable on Steam Greenlight!
Please be a kind person and give your vote if you want to see the game on Steam!
Demo and new trailer available here!
Tags: Games, ESA, Plans
News: ESA news coming
Posted on 2014-10-02 15:27
I finished a new trailer and some website stuff yesterday – there’s some finalizing to be done but expect some big updates in a couple of days! I guess I wont say more for now!!!
Tags: Games, ESA, Plans
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