Footage of my game at NGJ2015
Posted on 2015-02-08 23:44

My game won the “Most Marketable” jury award! Woop woop!

Tags: Games, Small games, Nordic Game Jam, Happenings

Nordic Game Jam 2015
Posted on 2015-02-08 13:56

Greetings from Denmark! After missing the event last year it has been really great to meet all these cool people and make games with them in the Aalborg University. :) I don’t remember when I last slept 3 nights in a row on the floor, but here we are. The theme was Obvious, which I think to be kind of silly in the same way many Ludum Dare themes are in that almost anything can fit it.

My entry is Copenhagen 2030, a game where global warming has turned Denmark into a Wild West -esque wasteland. Four players combat against each other in a deadly standoff. The game doesn’t have instructions so I’ll list them here:
You can only shoot when not behind the crate, and you can only be shot at when no behind it. The dynamite can hit you even behind the crate. If you run out of bullets, you need to shoot 3 times to re-fill your bullets. Bullets deal 1 damage, dynamite 2, while all players have 2 health. The score is counted based on successful kills.

Keyboard controls:

Left/Right/A/D/F/H/J/L -> aim
Up/Down/W/S/T/G/I/K -> move behind the crate
Shift/E/Y/O -> shoot
Control/Q/R/U -> throw dynamite

Gamepad controls:

Left stick -> aim
Shoulder buttons -> move behind the crate
A -> shoot
B -> throw dynamite

Unfortunately the game is Windows-only.


I also made another game with a similar concept, but it didn’t really work so I didn’t finalize it. I’ve played the boardgame Bang! quite a bit lately, which probably explains the Wild West setting.

Tags: Games, Small games, Nordic Game Jam, Happenings

CWOUN 100% completion recorded by Kie!
Posted on 2015-02-07 12:13

Here’s a really cool video of Kie beating the game fully:

(Broken video)

Really cool! Thanks a lot for linking this :) I’ll try to get back to updating the game some more eventually but alas, life is hard and things take up time.


Tags: Games, Excavatorrr, Other

A sudden surprise Masjin update
Posted on 2015-01-12 01:39

Huh, well, I ended up updating Masjin slightly. I added some stuff to the Server hoster; so now you can see the IP address players should connect to. I also enabled killstreaks and scoreboards again, because I initially removed them due to bugs with the public larger server.

We tested the server hoster today with some friends and it seemed to work perfectly. If you have problems with the hosting, contact me and we’ll try to figure out something. I’ll probably organize some Masjin nights next week if I have time. :)



I think I should make some more online games in the future, just for fun. :)


Tags: Games, Masjin

Why Masjin’s server isn’t online anymore
Posted on 2015-01-11 22:44

Masjin has been in a practically unplayable state for quite some time now. I’m really sorry about this, but unfortunately there isn’t much I can do to help the situation, for multiple reasons, the most important of which being
1) The public server the game originally ran on wasn’t mine, but rather a free-to-use test server made by the developers of the server plugin (Lacewing). Since the Lavewing plugin didn’t see all that much use over time, it’s understandable that the developers moved onward, but this also meant that the public server is now defunct as far as I know.
2) Related to that, I haven’t been able to contact the devs properly regarding this issue; before I could inform them when the server was down and thus affect the situation, but what with how things stand now I haven’t been able to inform them of this, nor do I know whether it could even be possible to set up the public server anymore.

I’m really terribly sorry about the situation, but right now it seems that it can’t be helped :(

EDIT: The server hosting tool works for me – what kind of problems have you had with it? Please inform me in the comment section! :)

Tested for a bit:


Tags: Games, Masjin

Learning Digital Painting
Posted on 2015-01-04 03:26

Making some ESA art in order to learn how to paint digitally. Using Krita and mouse for these. Interesting stuff. I’m thinking of maybe doing this kind of pictures of every boss in the game.

Tags: Games, ESA, Art

Ludum Dare #31 results!
Posted on 2014-12-30 22:09

So, the voting for Ludum Dare #31 ended last night, and the results seem really nice! The theme was “Entire Game on One Screen“, and my game was called Where They Once Were.

1st place in Mood
3rd place in Graphics
10th place Overall

Considering there were over 2500 entries, I’d say this was a pretty good result! :) Thanks to everyone who voted.


Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare

Environmental Station Alpha has been Greenlit!!!
Posted on 2014-12-29 23:00


The game’s now to be officially published on Steam! No further information about the date or anything else available yet, sorry about that, but at least the uncertainty of Greenlight is behind us. Thanks to everyone who participated in getting the game through the treacherous depths!

Greenlight Page
Also happy new year to everyone! I’m sorry I didn’t manage the original aim of release during 2014, but alas, there was a lot of stuff related to the publication not under my control so hopefully that explains it a bit. Hopefully?

Tags: Games, ESA, Plans

Posted on 2014-12-25 00:54

Tags: Games, Art

Dumb Cutscene Editor
Posted on 2014-12-21 06:20

Making cutscenes in MMF 2 is really tedious, so I’ve been tinkering with a general cutscene editor that could export a kind of a cutscene file that could be interpreted by my games. It’s been fun to work on this and I hope the final result is robust enough to be actually useful!

EDIT: Tested porting the cutscene engine to a different game and it works!! This is going to be amazingly handy :)

Tags: Games, Other

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