Weekly progress post #40: No, you work on boss today
Posted on 2016-11-18 01:25

I didn’t have very clear plans on what to work on tonight as I had spent most of my time working on other things, but the next boss was a very simple candidate and thus I turned my attention towards it. This ended up taking nearly all of the stream, but such is life! I’ll try to work on the boss more off-stream to preserve at least a little bit of surprise. In the end of the stream there was a Very Special sneak peek at a very early mockup of a possible song to be used in the game! More on the audio side of things as I get closer to an official trailer.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Weekly progress post #39: Sealife
Posted on 2016-11-10 01:45

Today’s stream went by fairly quickly, but 2 new enemies and 1 new room were added! I’m very happy about both enemies aesthetically. From here onwards I haven’t designed room layouts beforehand at all, so right now I’m a bit uncertain as to what kind of areas should come next. I’ll probably do a bit of planning before the next stream so that progress on the game map wont slow down. I intended to do a bit of work on the next boss & implement some stuff to Snake Game, but neither things happened. Oh well!!

Also the results of the US election are very scary. I hope things wont get too horrifying and that Trump wont destroy too much of the progress in human rights etc. that have accumulated in recent years. :(

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Other, Regular updates, Streaming

Weekly progress post #38: Boss and dworfs
Posted on 2016-11-03 00:07

Worked more on the new plant boss in ESA 2. There were some graphical and design-related issues that I struggled to solve and ultimately the boss as it is now feels somewhat lacking. I hope I can figure out ways to help that, though!

I also worked a bit on a project I haven’t shown off before this; I’ll try to avoid working on it on-stream too much, though, because it’s essentially a sideproject that I enjoy adding things to and the stream should be reserved for games that actually need work!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates, Small games

Weekly progress post #37: Boss tyme!!
Posted on 2016-10-27 01:07

Yay! Spent today’s stream working on a new boss for ESA 2! The bosses in this game are much much larger than most of the ones in ESA 1, and working on them (and especially the graphical assets) takes a lot more time; luckily though I got a pretty nice ‘feel’ for this boss so it shouldn’t take too much tweaking to get it to work nicely.

At the beginning of the stream I also fixed some bugs in the map generator. That one is also coming along sweetly right now! :)

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates, World generator

Weekly progress post #36: Got things done!
Posted on 2016-10-20 00:28

Today’s stream was very productive! 3 new enemies were added (although two were variations of the same enemy), a new room was implemented and a new trap was introduced to the game. The chat was also fairly active, which is always neat. The swamp area I’m working on right now is a very enjoyable biome; making it will probably be a joy(??)

I also worked on the map generator a bit at the end of the stream! Neat to get something done on that as well for a change.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates, World generator

Weekly progress post #35: Ugly pipes
Posted on 2016-10-12 23:14

Tonight’s stream was a Bad Pixel Art Stream; I wanted to do some assets for ESA 2 but ended up having to go with somewhat unfinished & unpleasant ones because I couldn’t get them to look right. Other than that progress was slowish but I added a new room, some new visual effects and a new enemy, along with implementing more of the weapon-changing element of the game! Next up will be a boss-fight, too!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Weekly progress post #34: Headache!!
Posted on 2016-10-05 22:41

Ugh!! Got a headache which really slowed things down, and on top of that Twitch behaved strangely, leading to the stream cutting for some time. Still, I got a new room semi-done along with little tweaks here and there (such as updating what were previously laser beams to visually more interesting blue flares, as well as spriting some new plants). Also did some very very preliminary work on Snake Game after a long break. Hopefully next week will be more productive!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Weekly progress post #33: Snakes
Posted on 2016-09-29 01:35

Today’s stream was again a bit slower (not helped by Open Broadcaster Software having trouble connecting at first!) but I got some nice things done nonetheless; for example, there’s now a system for multiple weapon types in the game! I wonder how that’ll be useful??? I also added a new cutscene that required spriting stuff that I had been procrastinating about for a longer time, so that’s nice. There’s still some design trouble left regarding said spriting but hopefully that wont become too much of a hassle.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming

Humble Clickteam Fusion Bundle
Posted on 2016-09-28 01:22

Woop! Environmental Station Alpha is featured in the Humble Clickteam Fusion Bundle which is going on right now! Go check the bundle out, there are really cool games and tools in there:


Tags: Games, ESA 2, Happenings, Other

Posted on 2016-09-24 17:33

Painted with watercolours after another long break! I should get back to this hobby; it was fun to paint even though this one is very simple and small.

Tags: Art

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