Ludum Dare #43: Sacrifices must be made
Posted on 2018-12-04 05:03

Ludum Dare #43 was last weekend! I have some exams coming but really wanted to participate; the theme didn’t initially give any inspiration and I was ready to call it a studying weekend, but then an idea struck and I ended up creating something.

My entry is Ludum Dare Simulator, a game where the sacrifices come in form of allocating time and resources to finish a game under the 48-hour time limit. This is done by placing blocks on a grid where every cell represents a single hour of Ludum Dare. The game is heavily inspired by the boardgame Patchwork that was recently shown to me.

The game itself is fairly simple (although the underlying scoring rules are way complicated, oh well), but for me the most interesting bits come after the player submits their game and goes to the scoring phase. I wanted to add some funny stuff to liven up the experience, so there are some surprised to be seen after finishing. It felt really good to finish an LD entry, considering at least two of my previous entries (Sublunar Vessel and Super Metabolism Bros) were left in a somewhat unfinished state. I even had time to compose music!

Ludum Dare page
Download the game

Tags: Games, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation, Streaming, Small games

Baba keeps trucking on
Posted on 2018-11-24 14:23

Contrast with an early version:

Tags: Games, Baba Is You

Posted on 2018-11-01 01:57

Tags: Art, Other, Procedural generation

Mandelbrot sets
Posted on 2018-10-31 04:48

I started experimenting with visualizing fractals. At first I tried to do it on my own, by looking at the (actually not super complicated but still a bit beyond my understand) Wiki article about the Mandelbrot set:
Then WikiHow of all things came to my aid and I slowly figured it out:
All of these are about 2x the actual rendering speed, apart from the final one which somehow runs at 4x speed despite telling it otherwise!! Anyway, this was a really fun diversion. Not useful, though, I think.

Tags: Art, Other, Procedural generation

Baba News + Weekly-7 progress post #110: Eh
Posted on 2018-10-30 03:59

Hmm; I seem to have managed to keep something like a once-every-two-weeks streaming schedule. That’s good, I guess? Today’s stream wasn’t very productive; I mostly polished things in Baba and drew a couple new sprites, but wasn’t really in a good state of mind for spriting so the results aren’t mega convincing. I also started at a level for a good while without getting good ideas for what to do with it, and so on. But that happens! I just need to have a bit better of an idea of what to do if things aren’t going my way during a stream in the future.

I’ve mentioned this on Twitter already, but I should’ve said it here already: Baba Is You’s release is delayed until 2019! I think I might’ve been able to finish the game this year, but I wouldn’t have had time to properly handle all the ~Business Stuff~ related to releasing a game, so delaying felt like the sensible option.

Also, Baba will release on Nintendo Switch! I might’ve said this before, but yup, that’s a thing! It’ll release simultaneously on Steam and Switch, and matpow2 is doing the porting.

Also also, I was at IndieCade Europe, held in Paris, a week ago, and Baba Is You won the audience award there! The award statue is really cool-looking, I should take pics. Whee!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Happenings, Other, Plans, Streaming, Regular updates

Weekly-6 progress post #109: Smoothish sailing
Posted on 2018-10-16 06:05

Decided to stream to pretend that I’m able to keep up a stable schedule. Despite initial slow progress, I got a lot of stuff done this time around! Tweaking several levels, implementing two(?) new ones, fixing bugs, adding polish, you name it. Developing Baba has felt surprisingly fun even at this somewhat finalish stage of development, and I’m very glad for that. :)

Baba will be at IndieCade Paris next weekend, on Friday and Saturday! If you want to test the game, come there!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Happenings, Regular updates, Streaming

Weekly-5 progress post #108: Snow!
Posted on 2018-10-02 06:54

I guess I’ve almost managed to stream every week now? I still want to keep track of missed weeks because once I get to the mood, streaming multiple times a week is a joy & very productive!

Today I started streaming very late and as a result the stream was supposed to be fairly short. It ended up being about 2½ hours anyway, so shoot. Oh well! I got some work done with systems that coul help with Baba’s localization in case that becomes a thing, and altered some menus into using a new system and added a new palette together with a snowy effect, seen above! The chat was fairly lively, thank you for that! Baba has progressed at a really nice pace lately, hopefully I won’t run out of steam. There are no massive hurdles left, I think, although some might present themselves before the end.

Oh, yeah, and since I apparently haven’t mentioned it here, Baba Is You will be released on the Nintendo Switch!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Weekly-4 progress post #107: Flowers!!
Posted on 2018-09-24 03:53

Life keeps happening! Anyway!!

Today I worked some on this flowery effect that’s part of Baba Is You’s intro & ending. The effect ended up in a pretty sweet spot, although there are some bits of polish still sorely needed for the intro and the ending is very much work-in-progress. I also replaced an outdated level with a better one (with help from people in the chat, particularly PortPonky, Unsinnlos and falcon99999 – thank you! I also did a little bit of work on the game’s menus; the player can now return to the main menu from the game and choose whether they want the game to ask for confirmation when restarting. Not super interesting and I definitely did some of this to procrastinate working on the ending, but it’s still necessary stuff so I can’t be too unhappy about it!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Regular updates, Streaming

Weekly-4 progress post #106: Behind in updates, again
Posted on 2018-09-10 05:30

So, Gamescom happened, as did Sommerhus Jam, and combined with work on Noita I have had a hard time keeping up streams. Managed to have one tonight, though, so maybe this is the time for yet another return to form!(?)

I fixed various issues in Baba, most importantly a relatively long-standing logic issue. I ran into another that I thought I had fixed for good; there was a pretty simple solution available but I’m slightly afraid that said solution causes some other hairy cornercases (that I had previously fixed and forgotten about.) I guess I should document why I’ve done things the way they are at some point.

I also spent some time working on the game’s music; the Forest theme gives me trouble and while I found some new directions, the song will need more work still to get to a state where I’m happy with it.

All in all the stream was fairly productive and I actually finished all the things I had planned to; now just to keep that momentum somehow!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Happenings, Other jams, Plans, Regular updates, Streaming

Text generator!
Posted on 2018-08-29 05:31

I polished up a markov chain generator I’ve used to generate e.g. book titles to make it more approachable, and here it is! You’ll have to gather more source texts on your own, but the engine itself should be quite user-friendly, if a bit bare-bones.

The generator is also open-source; the engine itself was made with Multimedia Fusion 2, but the generation agorithm is pure lua so you can try to figure out what’s going on there if you so please.

Tags: Games, Other, Procedural generation, Small games

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