7-Day Roguelike Challenge + 10 year anniversary??
Posted on 2020-03-11 09:42

After ~4 years of trying and failing, I finally took part in the 7-Day Roguelike Challenge (or 7DRL, as it’s generally known as) last week (https://7drl.com/). I still failed to finish my game in time, but compared to the only previous time I’ve actually managed to create something (in 2016), the addition of lua to my repertoire allowed quite a bit faster development and I actually got pretty far with my project. Sadly, after streaming for 8 hours on one day, I had a headache for 2 consecutive days and that kind of destroyed my chances of actually finishing. Still, I’m pretty happy with what I have now and thus decided that instead of submitting an obviously unfinished game for the challenge, I’ll try to poke at it and make it available when some of the more obvious missing features are in.

I’m especially happy about the font.

In other news! I was looking at the nice list of months in the blog sidebar, and it suddenly dawned on me that this blog is now over 10 years old! My inability to post regularly has consistently kept it from being as neat as it could be, but I’m nonetheless very happy that some kind of a catalogue of my past game-development endeavours has stayed alive this long. Thanks to Excavatorrr for giving me the push to set this up originally.

Now let’s see if we’ll get another 10 years of use out of this…!

Oh yeah, and one more (set of) thing(s): I was going to give a talk about Baba Is You at the Game Developers Conference, The MiXit conference and an event called Addon, but the first two have been canceled thanks to COVID-19, and since the third would be organized in France, I would be very surprised if it wasn’t cancelled as well. I’m currently also awaiting word on what’ll happen with Nordic Game Jam this year. Wild times.

Tags: Games, Other jams, Happenings, Plans, Streaming, Regular updates, Procedural generation, Small games

Progress post #137: Bugfixes and neatness
Posted on 2020-02-25 06:14

The game I didn’t actually work much on today

Monday, so another stream! I was quite tired at first but things got going anyway. It feels like I didn’t work on any single more important issue, but there was a lot of smaller polishing/reworking/bugfixing done on Baba, and ESA 2 got some new basic tiles to decorate the first area, seen above. I meant to create some new enemies for ESA 2, but Baba’s workload & my baseline tiredness were too much. As a nice thing, the ESA 2 menu things I *checks* did mention in the previous post got implemented fairly painlessly. Time to get that pause menu rolling!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #136: Often seldom
Posted on 2020-02-22 02:55

Today was more of a Baba stream than an ESA 2 stream; I implemented some missing features for the new editor along with the Seldom and Often words seen above. I’ll soon get to the point where I need to start considering how to add gamepad controls for the editor, and wow will that be a tough job.

On ESA 2’s side, I mostly worked on the pause menu layout and drew some new tiles for the first area. I was going to implement more of the menu, but realized that I do want to handle certain menu-related code properly from the get-go instead of using hackier solutions, and shied away.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #135: Bestiary!
Posted on 2020-02-18 03:04

The bestiary(‘s skeleton) is back! And this time I could even reuse the old assets for it, yay. I meant to work a bit on the pause menu on today’s stream, but got scared away by how hairy certain text-rendering issues were.

In Baba Is You, I fixed some lagginess and implemented a system where the player needs to play through their level in order to upload it. Working on the editor is generally exhausting but today was a pretty productive day in that regard.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #134: Boss preparations & level editor
Posted on 2020-02-11 08:49

This week I officially started a Monday/Thursday streaming schedule; we’ll see how that goes. The first stream of this glorious new era was late but went fairly well. In ESA 2, I worked on boss-related basic functionality such as the boss HP bar, as well as some powerup/weapon-related systems. In Baba Is You, I trudged onwards on the nigh-endless road that hopefully leads us to a nice, functional level editor. Apart from the size-changing stuff, all buttons seen in the image above actually do what they’re meant to now, which is great!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #133: Conveyor belts and more!
Posted on 2020-02-09 06:31

More streaming, more ESA2 and Baba! Baba Is You’s still in the endless swamp of level editor work; as the editor gets more complex, working on it also gets more arduous and scary. However, I’ll soon be at the stage to technically try to implement the actual online functionality! That’ll be scary in its own way, but fairly exciting as well!

On ESA 2’s side, I’ve kept adding more basic features; today’s stream included the conveyor belts, bounce shots and coloured shots seen above. I also did some tileset tests last stream and I think I’m finally starting to feel OK about the colours and visual look of the game. That’s a huge relief.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Plans, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #132: Powerup work!
Posted on 2020-02-02 07:01

Today saw another stream! This time I managed to actually work a bit more diligently on ESA 2. I implemented a bunch of powerups and added powerup collection flags to all of the ones currently implemented, and worked a bit on the editor. One of my goals was to get editing the parallax layers working properly, but that turned out to be very very nasty so I left it for later.

I also worked a bit on Baba Is You; the “themes” as they’re called have been the object of interest for a bit now, and I continued making the work. I’m really proud of how handy the menu system of Baba’s is; my earlier games have had very clunky and manually-coded menus and Baba’s more dynamic affair makes the level editor *way* easier to structure. I shied away from the nastiest bit of theme work, though; hopefully it won’t take too long to get to that.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #131: Editor & ESA
Posted on 2020-01-30 07:09

I streamed today, after a week or so of not getting much done game development-wise. Phew! Baba got some work done on the editor; it’s coming together and even though there’s still lots to do, I realized that I’m possibly closer to being done than I previously thought. That’s encouraging!

On ESA 2’s side, I worked further on making the level editor work in a zoomed-in mode, to make dealing with small tiles nicer. I also shrunk the in-game font and HUD elements to have them not fill the game window as much. All in all, small things but progress nonetheless!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #130: Is the answer going to be 8 pixels?
Posted on 2020-01-22 01:59

The image above is pretty terrible, all things considered, but I’m feeling a bit more hopeful about the future of ESA 2 at this point. I decided to turn back to 8×8 tiling again, after years of work with 12×12 tiling; this’ll hopefully make progress faster (once I figure the colours out) and help alleviate my disappointment with the visual style of the game. Now just to get everything working on this new, lower resolution, and we should be good to go ahead (finally!)

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Baba people!
Posted on 2020-01-20 04:28

Tags: Art, Baba Is You

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