Funky little scripting language
Posted on 2020-08-02 12:16

Inspired by Baba Is You and Zachtronics games, I decided to spend my Saturday evening and the following night implementing a simple, silly scripting language, with a twist! Which is that the code can turn in 90 degree angles. It was a lot of fun to make and I might try to prototype some kind of a small game around it, but for now it’s just a funny little toy.

Tags: Other, Small games, Games

Progress post #142: Aaghpolishing
Posted on 2020-07-06 23:17

I streamed Baba Is You development to see if I still feel. The editor trudges onward, and during this stream I implemented a bunch of polishing touches and fixed many smaller bugs. It’s a terrible never-ending swamp of things to do but at the same time I feel like we’re reasonably close.

I was planning to stream ESA 2 as well, but wanted to keep the stream reasonably short and ended up not doing that after all.

One thing I need to concentrate on sometime soon is work on the two new levelpacks that’ll be released with the editor; I’ve been keeping them on hold for a couple months now and especially the “New Adventures” pack is lagging behind pretty badly by now. Similarly, I’d like to get at least 2 more tunes done for Baba and those take time to get going; I hope I can get them implemented in time.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates

Hylics 2
Posted on 2020-06-28 21:44

[Apparently YouTube doesn't allow embedding this video anymore.]

Hylics 2 by Mason Lindroth has come out! Really liking how it sounds & looks. Check it out on!

Tags: Games, Art, Other

Progress post #141: Some ESA 2, too!
Posted on 2020-06-28 11:50

Streamed some 5 hours tonight, fixing a whole bunch of issues in Baba Is You, but also taking the time to implement a bit of stuff for ESA 2 as well! I’m trying to avoid the issue I ran into previously where my enemy designs are overly complicated and all-purpose and as a result the level design becomes difficult. I’m still kind of learning the scale of the new 8×8 tile size – I haven’t fully internalized how high the player can jump and seeing which passages will feel too cramped and which in turn are too open is tough. Still, progress is progress!

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Tesseract Tapa!
Posted on 2020-06-24 04:57

I was recently introduced to the slightly picross-ish pen-and-paper category of puzzles called Tapa. They’ve been a lot of fun to solve, and way more satisfying to me than, say, sudokus. You can find a lot of them here, with instructions on how they work!

I recently saw someone make a 3D version of a Star Battle, another pen-and-paper puzzle type. Being who I am, I found the concept really intriguing and started pondering if it’d be possible to add one more dimension to the deal. I’m not good or familiar with Star Battles, so I went with the more-familiar Tapa ruleset and did some research & Love2D coding during the midsummer holidays and ultimately ended up with what you see above, the Hypertapa.

Due to how 4D works I had to devise some rather awkward extra rules to make the challenge make sense on some level, but I’ve now confirmed that the solution works so that’s great! Thanks to Deusovi for showing tapas to me and being the first to complete this.

So yeah. That’s how I spent my midsummer holidays (I did also sauna a bunch, visit my parents and eat good food & scratch a dog!)

Tags: Art, Paper puzzles, Other

Baba & Pride Month & Racial Injustice
Posted on 2020-06-17 23:30

I made a whole bunch of Pride flags in Baba Is You! If you’re interested, you can see & download them here (imgur album)!

Baba Is You is also part of the Humble Fight for Racial Injustice Bundle, along with games such as Spelunky, FTL and Hyper Light Drifter! Click the image below to check it out :)

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Art, Other, Plans, Happenings

Progress post #140: Choo choo
Posted on 2020-06-09 02:19

More streaming! I really need to set up my standing desk again, these past days have caused stomach pains possibly partially because of all the sitting.

I managed to fix a whole bunch of small issues and add handy hotkeys and other quality-of-life features for the editor. The editor is actually starting to feel pretty nice to use, I’d say, and that’s exciting! I also added the train sprite above; not sure why, exactly, but it felt fitting.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Plans, Regular updates, Streaming

Progress post #139: Feelings
Posted on 2020-06-07 11:45

Took a bit of a break from streaming! Got back to it a week or so ago, although I’ve still been somewhat low on energy. Today I did a longer 6-hour stream and got a lot of stuff done in Baba, including the above word “Feeling”, some additions to the object colouring system, bugfixes, and more. There was a nicely active set of viewers throughout and that helped a lot with motivation, too!

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Regular updates, Streaming

ISIWANYWT addendum
Posted on 2020-05-09 00:09

Tags: Games, Small games, Paper puzzles, Art, Other, Browser games

I Solved It Wrong And Now You Will Too
Posted on 2020-05-08 02:34

Hi! I just added a new game to the website, called I Solved It Wrong And Now You Will Too! This one has a funny origin story: I was linked to a cool logic puzzle called WITLESS – A Puzzling Journey where the idea is to deduce the rules of the puzzle from the puzzles themselves, with minimal information. I proceeded to solve the puzzles all wrong by making a very fundamentally wrong assumption about what the puzzles were expecting of me, but did “finish” them with a coherent logic system.

After understanding what my problem was by discussing the logic I ended up with with other people, I started pondering about a similar logic puzzle, except built around the flawed logic I had used. And so, in a moment of inspiration, I spent ~2 days building such a puzzle, and the result is here.

It’s very crude/rough and clinical, and based on tentative feedback the logic is way way too hard to get into, but I’m very happy about the result nonetheless. If you’re interested in logic puzzles, do give it a try!

HTML5 version (no saving)
Windows version (2,1 mb, has saving)

Tags: Games, Paper puzzles, Small games, Browser games

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