Baba Is You Editor beta on!
Posted on 2020-12-14 17:48
Ok! The online level-sharing is out in public beta!

As mentioned earlier, I wanted to test a method to let people outside of Steam to also be able to check out the open beta. And now there’s a way to do exactly that! Just head to and pick up the limited-time editor build; it will only be kept up-to-date until the editor releases and has some limited utilities, but it’ll let you experience the full extent of the level-sharing beta! I understand that is still not quite comparable to being able to test the editor on a Switch, but as I said earlier, that is not entirely something I could make happen. I hope people will find this method acceptable. Thanks for your support!
You can also read the Steam announcement here.
One more thing: I set up a Twitter account for gathering level codes of levels that people found cool or interesting. Do tweet at @BabaLevels if you feel you’ve found such a level! This’ll make picking the featured levels easier in the future as well.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Plans, Other, Social media
Baba Is You Level Editor open beta!
Posted on 2020-12-13 04:50

Things have taken longer than intended, as they tend to do, but we’re almost there! In fact enough there to start publicly testing the beta! Specifically, the “open beta” bit concerns the online level-sharing feature, that has so far been off-limits outside of the closed testing group.
Since this is the first time we’re setting up something like this and we want to get an idea of how much there is to worry about and what kind of troubles and such we’ll need to prepare for, the level-sharing is quite rudimentary initially. The way it’ll work for now is:
- When you upload a level, you get a 9-symbol level code (in the format XXXX-YYYY) that others can use to download your level.
- The game contains a “featured levels” list that we’ll update every now and then by hand with new interesting levels.
- When playing a level, you can at any time report it in the pause menu. Please do this if the level contains offensive things or is otherwise thematically unpleasant.
The main way to access these features is via the Steam beta branch system; a lot of Steam players have been able to check out the progress of the editor over the past months already, albeit without the level-sharing.
Now then, I’ve felt very bad about the fact that people not on Steam haven’t been able to access the beta; it’s especially unfortunate for Nintendo Switch™ users, since they’ve had to wait the longest for updates in general. Due to this, here’s how I plan to go forward:
- The update will go live on Sunday (Dec 13th) or Monday (Dec 14th), most likely. There are still some final things to be handled (although the editor will still be slightly unfinished even when the level-sharing goes live – there will be translations & music missing, among other things), and I will try to get those sorted out this weekend.
- I have an idea that I want to try to possibly offer limited access to the beta editor for those not on Steam. This might not work, so I won’t promise that it will be a thing yet, but I will investigate the possibility and share news on it when it either becomes apparent that it could never work or that it’s feasible. Apologies, but there are factors here that are beyond my ability to affect.
- The beta won’t include the new upcoming levelpacks, as those need some more work and assets.
- The beta will be available throughout December; the actual update unfortunately probably won’t be released in 2020 after all, since even if everything went swimmingly, there are some necessary procedures we have to go through that take time. Sorry about that. Once we know for sure when everything will be done, I’ll make a cool trailer and set a release date. Apologies for missing the planned date, but I hope this public beta alleviates things somewhat.
Finally, thanks to all of you for your amazing support and kindness towards the project over the years! I really want to offer all of you some neat extra content and hope that the editor works and is fun to use. I also think that Baba & friends will appear in some future games, although nothing is set in stone regarding that.

Tags: Baba Is You, Games, Other, Plans
New Celltinels puzzles
Posted on 2020-12-12 03:48

Tags: Paper puzzles
Posted on 2020-12-10 20:49
It’s big!!

(Updated!)Tags: Paper puzzles
Posted on 2020-12-09 05:50
I can’t help it!! Another paper puzzle type.

Click for big!
And here are some puzzles:



4. (Updated)Tags: Paper puzzles
Guess what?
Posted on 2020-12-08 09:41
That’s right! Another Ouroboros puzzle!!!

Tags: Paper puzzles
Posted on 2020-12-06 07:44
Oh no, I created another paper puzzle thing. I guess this is what I’m doing at the moment. Anyway, behold, here’s Seaweed:

(Rule updated thanks to feedback from Deusovi and others! Thanks! Click for big.)
And some puzzles:

Also, here’s another Ouroboros puzzle, if you liked those:

[This puzzle genre was later replaced by a streamlined version bearing the same name]Tags: Paper puzzles
New Kompleksi cover art piece!
Posted on 2020-12-04 20:49

I made another comic and cover art illustration for my student organization’s magazine. Pretty happy with the result, although I was way behind schedule. Sorry about that. :(
You can also see this on DeviantArt.Tags: Art, Other
Posted on 2020-12-02 22:29
The paper puzzle train continues. I came up with a hypothetical new puzzle type while biking today, and tested it out. Seemed… ok?

(Note that a single number X is the same as “? X”, i.e. there can be as many different snakes fulfilling that clue as you want! Also note that the lines may not intersect themselves or other lines, nor go over the number clue tiles!)

Tags: Paper puzzles
Just another Canal View/”Somethingapa”
Posted on 2020-12-02 00:16

See below for instructions on how to solve this.Tags: Paper puzzles
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