Posted on 2021-11-08 07:53

Hi again! As I expected, there were more paper puzzles coming. This one is a bit unusual(?), but I think it works pretty well!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Corner meeting + what’s going on
Posted on 2021-11-06 03:15

Hi! It’s been almost 6 months since I last posted. I intended to do a general catch-up post a long time ago, but life happened and has since kept happening.

The main thing keeping me busy right now is that I’m doing a psychology internship at a psychosis ward in a hospital. It’s busy and often stressful work, but also very intriguing and often rewarding! I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly, but it has done a number on my ability to stay up to date with videogame & blog stuff. So there. But it’ll end at the end of this year, after which I’ll return to usual(?) business.

Since now is not the end of the year, I’ll refrain from trying to force myself to write a longer post, and instead retreat to posting about this new paper puzzle type I came up with (there might be some others coming, too):

Corner meeting! It’s a pretty simple concept; I have spent some time pondering puzzle types that are built around turns/corners in lines (I think?), and this was the outcome of those ponderings.



Tags: Happenings, Paper puzzles, Other, Plans

Field trespass
Posted on 2021-06-12 15:47

Would you look at that, here we go again! Jack Lance from the puzzle game Discord server had pointed out that the Shared field puzzle type could be more interesting if the fields couldn’t contain other letters than the ones designated for them. I didn’t initially like this idea too much, but I guess it stuck in my mind because I later came up with the concept of adding diagonal lines to the mix to allow for more varied field shapes (probably inspiration came from Portponky‘s Subway puzzle type!)

The format isn’t maybe visually my favourite, but people have commented on it positively and I’m very happy about that!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Limited Alike!
Posted on 2021-06-01 07:51

I was pondering how to improve Alike, the puzzle type I invented earlier, and got a really great suggestion for a rule addition from
Martin “Menderbug” Ender. Thanks a lot for that! I think this variant is in some ways much more interesting!

(Updated, thanks to Menderbug for the fix!)

Aaand here’s another Alike with the original ruleset:

Tags: Paper puzzles

Shared field!
Posted on 2021-05-14 22:46

Welp, it’s a new paper puzzle type! I think the idea works somewhat well but I’m maybe not quite as excited about this one than some of the previous types, mainly because the concept could maybe benefit from a bit of refining. Anyway, here’re the puzzles:

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-04-11 00:40

More paper puzzles! More!!!

I was really tired today and doodled some ideas in my notebook, and this came from that. Quite happy with it!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-03-27 20:34

Welp, I guess I’m in paper puzzle mode again. I was doodling with another idea and stumbled into this. It feels quite difficult, but maybe in a good way? Some inspiration came from the Bonsai puzzle genre developed by a fellow puzzle developer Le Slo.

And the puzzles:

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-03-21 14:23

I guess I mostly just post about paper puzzles here these days. Maybe that’s not a bad thing? Anyway, I recently came up with this new thing; it’s a bit… odd? But I quite like it.

It was suggested that I should implement my paper puzzles in or penpa to make solving them easier. I like the idea, but I have to admit that at least for now it’d be a bit too much work. Maybe I’ll go through all the ones I’ve posted so far and update them at once at some point?

And here’re some puzzles for this genre!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-03-14 18:39

A new paper puzzle type! I’ve been wanting to make a cell-shading-based one for a bit, and ended up being very happy with this format. It’s really tough to make unique puzzles for but I think there’re neat deductions to made within them.

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-02-04 10:00

More paper puzzling! I invented this type before Lohkous but for some reason didn’t post it here. It resembles a couple other types very closely, namely Haisu, but I think it has some neat features of its own.

Here are also some new puzzles in other genres:

Tags: Paper puzzles

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