Posts from year 2021:

Posted on 2021-03-21 14:23

I guess I mostly just post about paper puzzles here these days. Maybe that’s not a bad thing? Anyway, I recently came up with this new thing; it’s a bit… odd? But I quite like it.

It was suggested that I should implement my paper puzzles in or penpa to make solving them easier. I like the idea, but I have to admit that at least for now it’d be a bit too much work. Maybe I’ll go through all the ones I’ve posted so far and update them at once at some point?

And here’re some puzzles for this genre!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-03-14 18:39

A new paper puzzle type! I’ve been wanting to make a cell-shading-based one for a bit, and ended up being very happy with this format. It’s really tough to make unique puzzles for but I think there’re neat deductions to made within them.

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-02-04 10:00

More paper puzzling! I invented this type before Lohkous but for some reason didn’t post it here. It resembles a couple other types very closely, namely Haisu, but I think it has some neat features of its own.

Here are also some new puzzles in other genres:

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-01-19 09:59

Click for big!

Another new paper puzzle type! I pondered the concept of shading an area so that the area’s shape or size is the relevant thing to consider (similarly to how e.g. the Snake Eggs genre works) and while doodling in my notebook I eventually landed on this idea. It’s very abstract but seemed somewhat neat. All three puzzles are probably really tough, though!


(Updated; huge thanks to Deusovi for an elegant fix!)

Also, I’ve made some new Crossstitches:

Tags: Paper puzzles

Paper puzzles on the main website!
Posted on 2021-01-09 07:27

I decided to add an entry on the main website for all these paper puzzles. See it here!

I should really update the website layout again at some point… there are enough entries there that it’s starting to get really cramped!

Tags: Games, Small games, Paper puzzles

Posted on 2021-01-09 06:28

New year, but some old habits, it’d look like! I’ll try to tone it down a bit with the paper puzzles but I wanted to test this idea and it seemed to work so sure, why not. Thanks to Deusovi, dohz, tjm and Draknek for suggestions on how to improve it!

(This used to be different but was completely replaced)

Tags: Paper puzzles

Happy new year!
Posted on 2021-01-01 03:22

Yes, that – good luck in 2021. Since paper puzzles have been the “thing” for me this year, I’ll end it with one more: Ilotulite (Finnish for “firework”)! This is the second attempt at the idea; the first one was more of a joke and not very good.

(Click for big!)

Here are some puzzles:

I’ve also been working on a small tool for making paper puzzles; it’s very debug-like, but might offer some use for people who want to make these kinds of things:

Anyway, let’s hope things get better for the world next year! I’ve tried to do my part; Baba Is You’s success has allowed me to donate over USD $300,000 to charities over the past 2 years. Yay! Thanks for the support!

Finally, here’s a painting I made to celebrate New Year’s Eve:

Tags: Games, Other, Baba Is You, Art, Small games, Paper Puzzles, Plans

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