Posts from year 2013:

New website flash thing!
Posted on 2013-06-26 06:08

I updated the main website game viewer flash applet thingio. It’s probably a lot worse now, but at least there’s more space for games now, too! Also added some smaller games to the list (Cloud Realm, Apocalypse Adventure, Moustache King Adventure).

I’m working on a flash port of Excavatorrr! Things are looking smooth. Hopefully I’ll get this done fast. ESA is doing fine, although I have some design problems right now.


Tags: Games, ESA, Excavatorrr, Other

More painting
Posted on 2013-06-12 18:51

Work on ESA is steady. Steady steady steady steady but a bit slow.

Tags: Games, ESA, Art

Posted on 2013-05-12 22:23


I got some criticism related to the laziness of the newer art in the game, it was very insightful although I don’t think I’ll really do anything about it (yet). Yay. 70% done with the game!

EDIT: It’s a secret!

Tags: Games, ESA

Stuff about ESA + a painting
Posted on 2013-04-01 16:16

Boo yah, kinda Miyazaki-y.

I’ve finally started to gather a list of every single thing that needs to be fixed/added to ESA before I can be happy with it! Kind of late with that, but better late than never, I suppose! The 11th boss needs some more thinking before I can tackle it, because I recently realized a very annoying pattern in the bosses I make – they tend to be rather passive! For example, there’re a couple bosses that literally just stare at the player while spawning all sorts of enemies and so on – I think I should be a bit more creative with these later ones.

Tags: Games, ESA, Art, Plans

Random sideproject stuff
Posted on 2013-03-28 17:15

Tags: Games

Heyyy, some work on ESA!
Posted on 2013-03-13 13:13

I’ve actually managed to build the world a bit further – the game’s now about 69% done! I’m getting closer to the 11th boss, although I’ll have to redesign some rooms in the current area to make them more interesting.

Tags: Games, ESA, Art

More art!!! + status report on ESA
Posted on 2013-02-26 18:37

So there.

I haven’t been working much on ESA lately. However, there’s been some small progress and I’m quite confident I’ll get further soon! I just need to design some enemies and add certain bits of polish. I’ve been also considering certain other interesting game concepts. It’s a real surprise I’ve managed to keep my attention in ESA for so long (obviously a very good thing!)

Tags: Art, ESA, Plans

Posted on 2013-01-20 17:54

So, I was in the Aalborg University in Copenhagen from thursday to sunday, making games and meeting cool (and occasionally less cool) people. I managed to finish two small games during the 48h game jam, one of which got music done by Joonas Turner! For reasons not related to me I didn’t get to submit my games to the voting process, but all in all I was really happy with both. However, the most important thing for me was the social aspect; I had sauna with cool people, had drinks with cool people, slept at cool people’s place and overall cool people were all around me all the time. It seems that Swedish/Danish indie developers are much cooler people than the Finnish ones – there appears to be a trend of more social and open behaviour! I wonder…

Cheesy name aside, KARZ is a very simple arcadey arena thing where 1-2 players drive cars around a level and destroy other vehicles with HUGE SWORDS. It’s pretty hard, but I & the guys I played it with found it quite satisfying to play, which is cool. The visuals are intentionally very simplistic and weird, I didn’t really care about graphics here. The players have to cooperate, but they also compete in terms of score. Music done by Joonas Turner.

This game requires a gamepad/joystick! Xbox 360 controller recommended.


It’ll End Tonight
Artsy pretentious artgame with a deep message and ugly visuals. I had a simple idea and decided to get it done in about 8 hours. Overall I’m pretty happy with the result, though – I think the atmosphere works. It takes only about a minute to play through the game, so I recommend checking it out. Controls are WASD + Mouse, although joystick/gamepad is supported and even encouraged. For pads, move with left stick and use stuff with Button 1. Button 6 (right shoulder button) also does stuff.


Tags: Games, Small games, Happenings, Nordic Game Jam

Posted on 2013-01-06 05:53

Tags: Art

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