Posts from date 2020-12:

Posted on 2020-12-09 05:50

I can’t help it!! Another paper puzzle type.

Click for big!

And here are some puzzles:




4. (Updated)

Tags: Paper puzzles

Guess what?
Posted on 2020-12-08 09:41

That’s right! Another Ouroboros puzzle!!!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Posted on 2020-12-06 07:44

Oh no, I created another paper puzzle thing. I guess this is what I’m doing at the moment. Anyway, behold, here’s Seaweed:

(Rule updated thanks to feedback from Deusovi and others! Thanks! Click for big.)

And some puzzles:

Also, here’s another Ouroboros puzzle, if you liked those:

[This puzzle genre was later replaced by a streamlined version bearing the same name]

Tags: Paper puzzles

New Kompleksi cover art piece!
Posted on 2020-12-04 20:49

I made another comic and cover art illustration for my student organization’s magazine. Pretty happy with the result, although I was way behind schedule. Sorry about that. :(

You can also see this on DeviantArt.

Tags: Art, Other

Posted on 2020-12-02 22:29

The paper puzzle train continues. I came up with a hypothetical new puzzle type while biking today, and tested it out. Seemed… ok?


(Note that a single number X is the same as “? X”, i.e. there can be as many different snakes fulfilling that clue as you want! Also note that the lines may not intersect themselves or other lines, nor go over the number clue tiles!)

Tags: Paper puzzles

Just another Canal View/”Somethingapa”
Posted on 2020-12-02 00:16

See below for instructions on how to solve this.

Tags: Paper puzzles

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